Source code for

This module provides an interface to the SER file format written by FEI and Therm0 Fischer's program TIA.

It reads STEM and TEM images and other datasets.

It is based on information provided by Dr Chris Boothroyd and work by Peter Ercius' original serReader code in Matlab.

General users:
    Use the simplified ser.serReader() function to load the data and meta
    data as a python dictionary.

Advanced users and developers:
    Access the file internals through the ser.fileSER() class.


import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from pathlib import Path
import os  # TODO: Remove os and use pathlib instead.

import numpy as np

[docs]class NotSERError(Exception): """Exception if a file is not in SER file format. """ pass
[docs]class fileSER: """ Class to represent SER files (read only). Attributes ---------- _file_hdl : file The open file as a raw stream. _emi : dict A dictionary of metadata from the EMI file accompanying the SER file. file_name : str The name of the file file_path : pathlib.Path A pathlib.Path object for the open file head : dict Header information for the SER file as a dictionary. Provides direct access to data offsets and other internal file information. Note ---- For most users, we suggest using the ser.serReader() function to load the full data set into memory. Otherwise, this class provides low level access to the SER file data and metadata and internals. Examples -------- Read data from a single image into memory using the low level API. >> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >> import as nio >> with nio.ser.fileSER('filename.ser') as ser1: >> data, metadata = ser1.getDataset(0) SER files are internally structured such that each image in a series is a different data set. Thus, time series data should be read as the following: >> with ser.fileSER('filename_1.ser') as ser1: >> image0, metadata0 = ser1.getDataset(0) >> image1, metadata1 = ser1.getDataset(1) """ _dictByteOrder = {0x4949: 'little endian'} '''dict : Information on byte order.''' _dictSeriesVersion = {0x0210: '< TIA 4.7.3', 0x0220: '>= TIA 4.7.3'} '''dict : Information on file format version.''' _dictDataTypeID = {0x4120: '1D datasets', 0x4122: '2D images'} '''dict : Information on data type.''' _dictTagTypeID = {0x4152: 'time only', 0x4142: 'time and 2D position'} '''dict : Information on tag type.''' _dictDataType = {1: ' <u1', 2: '<u2', 3: '<u4', 4: '<i1', 5: '<i2', 6: '<i4', 7: '<f4', 8: '<f8', 9: '<c8', 10: '<c16'} '''dict : Information on data format.''' def __init__(self, filename, verbose=False): """Init opening the file and reading in the header. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the SER file. verbose : bool, optional True to get extensive output while reading the file. """ # necessary declarations, if something fails self._file_hdl = None self._emi = None self.file_name = None self.file_path = None self.head = None if hasattr(filename, 'read'): self._file_hdl = filename try: self.file_path = Path( self.file_name = except AttributeError: self.file_path = None self.file_name = None else: # check filename type, change to pathlib.Path if isinstance(filename, str): filename = Path(filename) elif isinstance(filename, Path): pass else: raise TypeError('Filename is supposed to be a string or pathlib.Path or file object') self.file_path = filename self.file_name = # try opening the file try: self._file_hdl = open(self.file_path, 'rb') except IOError: print('Error reading file: "{}"'.format(self.file_name)) raise except: raise # read header self.head = self.readHeader(verbose) # read emi file if exists self._read_emi() def __del__(self): """ Close the file stream in destructor. """ if not self._file_hdl.closed: self._file_hdl.close() def __enter__(self): """ Implement python's with statement """ return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): """Implement python's with statement and close the file via __del__() """ self.__del__() return None def __str__(self): return 'ncempy SER data set'
[docs] def readHeader(self, verbose=False): """Read and return the SER files header. Parameters ---------- verbose: bool True to get extensive output while reading the file. Returns ------- : dict The header of the SER file as dict. """ # prepare empty dict to be populated while reading head = {} # go back to beginning of file, 0) # read 3 int16 data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype='<i2', count=3) # ByteOrder (only little Endian expected) if not data[0] in self._dictByteOrder: raise RuntimeError('Only little Endian implemented for SER files') head['ByteOrder'] = data[0] if verbose: print('ByteOrder:\t"{:#06x}",\t{}'.format(data[0], self._dictByteOrder[data[0]])) # SeriesID, check whether TIA Series Data File if not data[1] == 0x0197: raise NotSERError('This is not a TIA Series Data File (SER)') head['SeriesID'] = data[1] if verbose: print('SeriesID:\t"{:#06x},\tTIA Series Data File'.format(data[1])) # SeriesVersion if not data[2] in self._dictSeriesVersion: raise RuntimeError('Unknown TIA version: "{:#06x}"'.format(data[2])) head['SeriesVersion'] = data[2] if verbose: print('SeriesVersion:\t"{:#06x}",\t{}'.format(data[2], self._dictSeriesVersion[data[2]])) # version dependent file format for below if head['SeriesVersion'] == 0x0210: offset_dtype = '<i4' else: # head['SeriesVersion']==0x220: offset_dtype = '<i8' # read 4 int32 data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype='<i4', count=4) # DataTypeID if not data[0] in self._dictDataTypeID: raise RuntimeError('Unknown DataTypeID: "{:#06x}"'.format(data[0])) head['DataTypeID'] = data[0] if verbose: print('DataTypeID:\t"{:#06x}",\t{}'.format(data[0], self._dictDataTypeID[data[0]])) # TagTypeID if not data[1] in self._dictTagTypeID: raise RuntimeError('Unknown TagTypeID: "{:#06x}"'.format(data[1])) head['TagTypeID'] = data[1] if verbose: print('TagTypeID:\t"{:#06x}",\t{}'.format(data[1], self._dictTagTypeID[data[1]])) # TotalNumberElements if not data[2] >= 0: raise RuntimeError('Negative total number of elements: {}'.format(data[2])) head['TotalNumberElements'] = data[2] if verbose: print('TotalNumberElements:\t{}'.format(data[2])) # ValidNumberElements if not data[3] >= 0: raise RuntimeError('Negative valid number of elements: {}'.format(data[3])) head['ValidNumberElements'] = data[3] if verbose: print('ValidNumberElements:\t{}'.format(data[3])) # OffsetArrayOffset, sensitive to SeriesVersion data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype=offset_dtype, count=1) head['OffsetArrayOffset'] = data[0] if verbose: print('OffsetArrayOffset:\t{}'.format(data[0])) # NumberDimensions data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype='<i4', count=1) if not data[0] >= 0: raise RuntimeError('Negative number of dimensions') head['NumberDimensions'] = data[0] if verbose: print('NumberDimensions:\t{}'.format(data[0])) # Dimensions array dimensions = [] for i in range(head['NumberDimensions']): if verbose: print('reading Dimension {}'.format(i)) this_dim = {} # DimensionSize data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype='<i4', count=1) this_dim['DimensionSize'] = data[0] if verbose: print('DimensionSize:\t{}'.format(data[0])) data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype='<f8', count=2) # CalibrationOffset this_dim['CalibrationOffset'] = data[0] if verbose: print('CalibrationOffset:\t{}'.format(data[0])) # CalibrationDelta this_dim['CalibrationDelta'] = data[1] if verbose: print('CalibrationDelta:\t{}'.format(data[1])) data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype='<i4', count=2) # CalibrationElement this_dim['CalibrationElement'] = data[0] if verbose: print('CalibrationElement:\t{}'.format(data[0])) # DescriptionLength n = data[1] # Description data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype='<i1', count=n) data = ''.join(map(chr, data)) this_dim['Description'] = data if verbose: print('Description:\t{}'.format(data)) # UnitsLength data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype='<i4', count=1) n = data[0] # Units data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype='<i1', count=n) data = ''.join(map(chr, data)) this_dim['Units'] = data if verbose: print('Units:\t{}'.format(data)) dimensions.append(this_dim) # save dimensions array as tuple of dicts in head dict head['Dimensions'] = tuple(dimensions) # Offset array['OffsetArrayOffset'], 0) # DataOffsetArray data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype=offset_dtype, count=head['ValidNumberElements']) head['DataOffsetArray'] = data.tolist() if verbose: print('reading in DataOffsetArray') # TagOffsetArray data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype=offset_dtype, count=head['ValidNumberElements']) head['TagOffsetArray'] = data.tolist() if verbose: print('reading in TagOffsetArray') return head
def _checkIndex(self, i): """ Check index i for sanity, otherwise raise Exception. Parameters ---------- i: int Index. """ # check type if not isinstance(i, int): raise TypeError('index supposed to be integer') # check whether in range if i < 0 or i >= self.head['ValidNumberElements']: raise IndexError('Index out of range accessing element {} of {} valid elements'.format(i + 1, self.head[ 'ValidNumberElements'])) return
[docs] def getDataset(self, index, verbose=False): """ Retrieve data and meta data for one image or spectra from the file. Parameters ---------- index: int Index of dataset. verbose: bool, optional True to get extensive output while reading the file. Returns ------- dataset: tuple, 2 elements in form (data metadata) Tuple contains data as np.ndarray and metadata (pixel size, etc.) as a dict. """ # check index, will raise Exceptions if not try: self._checkIndex(index) except: raise if verbose: print('Getting dataset {} of {}.'.format(index, self.head['ValidNumberElements'])) # go to dataset in file['DataOffsetArray'][index], 0) # read meta meta = {} # number of calibrations depends on DataTypeID if self.head['DataTypeID'] == 0x4120: n = 1 elif self.head['DataTypeID'] == 0x4122: n = 2 else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown DataTypeID') # read in the calibrations cals = [] for i in range(n): if verbose: print('Reading calibration {}'.format(i)) this_cal = {} data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype='<f8', count=2) # CalibrationOffset this_cal['CalibrationOffset'] = data[0] if verbose: print('CalibrationOffset:\t{}'.format(data[0])) # CalibrationDelta this_cal['CalibrationDelta'] = data[1] if verbose: print('CalibrationDelta:\t{}'.format(data[1])) data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype='<i4', count=1) # CalibrationElement this_cal['CalibrationElement'] = data[0] if verbose: print('CalibrationElement:\t{}'.format(data[0])) cals.append(this_cal) meta['Calibration'] = tuple(cals) data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype='<i2', count=1) # DataType meta['DataType'] = data[0] if not data[0] in self._dictDataType: raise RuntimeError('Unknown DataType: "{}"'.format(data[0])) if verbose: print('DataType:\t{},\t{}'.format(data[0], self._dictDataType[data[0]])) dataset = None # in case something goes wrong if self.head['DataTypeID'] == 0x4120: # 1D data element data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype='<i4', count=1) # ArrayLength data = data.tolist() meta['ArrayShape'] = data if verbose: print('ArrayShape:\t{}'.format(data)) dataset = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype=self._dictDataType[meta['DataType']], count=meta['ArrayShape'][0]) elif self.head['DataTypeID'] == 0x4122: # 2D data element data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype='<i4', count=2) # ArrayShape data = data.tolist() meta['ArrayShape'] = data if verbose: print('ArrayShape:\t{}'.format(data)) # dataset dataset = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype=self._dictDataType[meta['DataType']], count=meta['ArrayShape'][0] * meta['ArrayShape'][1]) dataset = dataset.reshape(meta['ArrayShape'][::-1]) # needs to be reversed for little endian data dataset = np.flipud(dataset) return dataset, meta
def _getTag(self, index, verbose=False): """Retrieve tag from data file. Parameters ---------- index: int Index of tag. verbose: bool True to get extensive output while reading the file. Returns ------- tag: dict Tag as a python dictionary. """ # check index, will raise Exceptions if not try: self._checkIndex(index) except: raise if verbose: print('Getting tag {} of {}.'.format(index, self.head['ValidNumberElements'])) tag = {} try: # bad tagoffsets occurred pointing to the end of the file # go to dataset in file['TagOffsetArray'][index], 0) data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype='<i4', count=2) # TagTypeID tag['TagTypeID'] = data[0] # only proceed if TagTypeID is the same like in the file header (bad TagOffsetArray issue) if tag['TagTypeID'] == self.head['TagTypeID']: if verbose: print('TagTypeID:\t"{:#06x}",\t{}'.format(data[0], self._dictTagTypeID[data[0]])) # Time tag['Time'] = data[1] if verbose: print('Time:\t{}'.format(data[1])) # check for position if tag['TagTypeID'] == 0x4142: data = np.fromfile(self._file_hdl, dtype='<f8', count=2) # PositionX tag['PositionX'] = data[0] if verbose: print('PositionX:\t{}'.format(data[0])) # PositionY tag['PositionY'] = data[1] if verbose: print('PositionY:\t{}'.format(data[1])) else: # otherwise raise to get to default tag raise except: tag['TagTypeID'] = 0 tag['Time'] = 0 tag['PositionX'] = np.nan tag['PositionY'] = np.nan return tag def _createDim(self, size, offset, delta, element): """Create dimension labels for conversion to EMD from information in the SER file. Parameters ---------- size: int Number of elements. offset: float Value at indicated element. delta: float Difference between elements. element: int Indicates the element of value offset. Returns ------- dim: np.ndarray Dimension vector as array. """ # if element is out off range, map it back into defined if element >= size: element = size - 1 offset = offset - (element - (size - 1)) * delta dim = np.array(range(size)).astype('f8') dim = dim * delta dim += (offset - dim[element]) # some weird shifting, positionx is +0.5, positiony is -0.5 # doing this during saving # dim += 0.5*delta return dim def _read_emi(self): """ Generate emi file string and test for file existence.""" emi_file_path = self.file_path.parent / (self.file_path.stem[:-2] + '.emi') if not emi_file_path.exists(): self._emi = None else: self._emi = read_emi(emi_file_path)
[docs] def writeEMD(self, filename): """ Write SER data to an EMD file. Parameters ---------- filename: str or pathlib.Path Name of the EMD file. """ # Todo: Update this to be much simpler. Can write this in a couple of lines now using the fileEMD class from import emd # create the EMD file and set version attributes try: f = emd.fileEMD(filename) except: raise IOError('Cannot write to file "{}"!'.format(filename)) # create EMD group grp = f.file_hdl['data'].create_group(os.path.basename( grp.attrs['emd_group_type'] = 1 # use first dataset to layout memory data, first_meta = self.getDataset(0) first_tag = self._getTag(0) if self.head['DataTypeID'] == 0x4122: # 2D datasets self.head['ExperimentType'] = 'image' # text indicator of the experiment type if first_tag['TagTypeID'] == 0x4142: # 2D mapping dset = grp.create_dataset('data', (self.head['Dimensions'][1]['DimensionSize'], self.head['Dimensions'][0]['DimensionSize'], first_meta['ArrayShape'][1], first_meta['ArrayShape'][0]), dtype=self._dictDataType[first_meta['DataType']]) # collect time time = np.zeros((self.head['Dimensions'][0]['DimensionSize'], self.head['Dimensions'][1]['DimensionSize']), dtype='i4') # create mapping dims for checking map_xdim = self._createDim(self.head['Dimensions'][0]['DimensionSize'], self.head['Dimensions'][0]['CalibrationOffset'], self.head['Dimensions'][0]['CalibrationDelta'], self.head['Dimensions'][0]['CalibrationElement']) map_ydim = self._createDim(self.head['Dimensions'][1]['DimensionSize'], self.head['Dimensions'][1]['CalibrationOffset'], self.head['Dimensions'][1]['CalibrationDelta'], self.head['Dimensions'][1]['CalibrationElement']) # weird direction depend half pixel shifting map_xdim += 0.5 * self.head['Dimensions'][0]['CalibrationDelta'] map_ydim -= 0.5 * self.head['Dimensions'][1]['CalibrationDelta'] for y in range(self.head['Dimensions'][0]['DimensionSize']): for x in range(self.head['Dimensions'][1]['DimensionSize']): index = int(x + y * self.head['Dimensions'][0]['DimensionSize']) print('converting dataset {} of {}, items ({}, {})'.format(index + 1, self.head['ValidNumberElements'], x, y)) # retrieve dataset and put into buffer data, meta = self.getDataset(index) dset[y, x, :, :] = data[:, :] # get tag data per image tag = self._getTag(index) time[y, x] = tag['Time'] assert (np.abs(tag['PositionX'] - map_xdim[x]) < np.abs(tag['PositionX'] * 1e-8)) assert (np.abs(tag['PositionY'] - map_ydim[y]) < np.abs(tag['PositionY'] * 1e-8)) del data, meta, tag # create dimension datasets dims = [] dims_time = [] # Position Y assert self.head['Dimensions'][1]['Description'] == 'Position' dims.append((map_ydim, self.head['Dimensions'][1]['Description'], '[{}]'.format(self.head['Dimensions'][1]['Units']))) dims_time.append((map_ydim, self.head['Dimensions'][1]['Description'], '[{}]'.format(self.head['Dimensions'][1]['Units']))) # Position X assert self.head['Dimensions'][0]['Description'] == 'Position' dims.append((map_xdim, self.head['Dimensions'][0]['Description'], '[{}]'.format(self.head['Dimensions'][0]['Units']))) dims_time.append((map_xdim, self.head['Dimensions'][0]['Description'], '[{}]'.format(self.head['Dimensions'][0]['Units']))) dim = self._createDim(first_meta['ArrayShape'][1], first_meta['Calibration'][1]['CalibrationOffset'], first_meta['Calibration'][1]['CalibrationDelta'], first_meta['Calibration'][1]['CalibrationElement']) dims.append((dim, 'y', '[m]')) dim = self._createDim(first_meta['ArrayShape'][0], first_meta['Calibration'][0]['CalibrationOffset'], first_meta['Calibration'][0]['CalibrationDelta'], first_meta['Calibration'][0]['CalibrationElement']) dims.append((dim, 'x', '[m]')) # write dimensions for ii in range(len(dims)): f.write_dim('dim{:d}'.format(ii + 1), dims[ii], grp) # write out time as additional dataset _ = f.put_emdgroup('timestamp', time, dims_time, parent=grp) else: # 1 entry series to single image if self.head['ValidNumberElements'] == 1: # get image data, meta = self.getDataset(0) tag = self._getTag(0) # create dimensions dims = [] dim = self._createDim(first_meta['ArrayShape'][1], first_meta['Calibration'][1]['CalibrationOffset'], first_meta['Calibration'][1]['CalibrationDelta'], first_meta['Calibration'][1]['CalibrationElement']) dims.append((dim, 'y', '[m]')) dim = self._createDim(first_meta['ArrayShape'][0], first_meta['Calibration'][0]['CalibrationOffset'], first_meta['Calibration'][0]['CalibrationDelta'], first_meta['Calibration'][0]['CalibrationElement']) dims.append((dim, 'x', '[m]')) dset = grp.create_dataset('data', (first_meta['ArrayShape'][1], first_meta['ArrayShape'][0]), dtype=self._dictDataType[first_meta['DataType']]) dset[:, :] = data[:, :] for i in range(len(dims)): f.write_dim('dim{:d}'.format(i + 1), dims[i], grp) dset.attrs['timestamp'] = tag['Time'] else: # simple series dset = grp.create_dataset('data', (self.head['ValidNumberElements'], first_meta['ArrayShape'][1], first_meta['ArrayShape'][0]), dtype=self._dictDataType[first_meta['DataType']]) # collect time time = np.zeros(self.head['ValidNumberElements'], dtype='i4') for i in range(self.head['ValidNumberElements']): print('converting dataset {} of {}'.format(i + 1, self.head['ValidNumberElements'])) # retrieve dataset and put into buffer data, meta = self.getDataset(i) dset[i, :, :] = data[:, :] # get tag data per image tag = self._getTag(i) time[i] = tag['Time'] # create dimension data sets dims = [] # first SER dimension is number assert self.head['Dimensions'][0]['Description'] == 'Number' dim = self._createDim(self.head['Dimensions'][0]['DimensionSize'], self.head['Dimensions'][0]['CalibrationOffset'], self.head['Dimensions'][0]['CalibrationDelta'], self.head['Dimensions'][0]['CalibrationElement']) dims.append((dim[0:self.head['ValidNumberElements']], self.head['Dimensions'][0]['Description'], '[{}]'.format(self.head['Dimensions'][0]['Units']))) dim = self._createDim(first_meta['ArrayShape'][1], first_meta['Calibration'][1]['CalibrationOffset'], first_meta['Calibration'][1]['CalibrationDelta'], first_meta['Calibration'][1]['CalibrationElement']) dims.append((dim, 'y', '[m]')) dim = self._createDim(first_meta['ArrayShape'][0], first_meta['Calibration'][0]['CalibrationOffset'], first_meta['Calibration'][0]['CalibrationDelta'], first_meta['Calibration'][0]['CalibrationElement']) dims.append((dim, 'x', '[m]')) # write dimensions for i in range(len(dims)): f.write_dim('dim{:d}'.format(i + 1), dims[i], grp) # write out time as additional dim vector f.write_dim('dim1_time', (time, 'timestamp', '[s]'), grp) elif self.head['DataTypeID'] == 0x4120: # 1D datasets; spectra self.head['ExperimentType'] = 'spectrum' # text indicator of the experiment type if first_tag['TagTypeID'] == 0x4142: # 2D mapping dset = grp.create_dataset('data', (self.head['Dimensions'][1]['DimensionSize'], self.head['Dimensions'][0]['DimensionSize'], first_meta['ArrayShape'][0]), dtype=self._dictDataType[first_meta['DataType']]) time = np.zeros((self.head['Dimensions'][0]['DimensionSize'], self.head['Dimensions'][1]['DimensionSize']), dtype='i4') # create mapping dims for checking map_xdim = self._createDim(self.head['Dimensions'][0]['DimensionSize'], self.head['Dimensions'][0]['CalibrationOffset'], self.head['Dimensions'][0]['CalibrationDelta'], self.head['Dimensions'][0]['CalibrationElement']) map_ydim = self._createDim(self.head['Dimensions'][1]['DimensionSize'], self.head['Dimensions'][1]['CalibrationOffset'], self.head['Dimensions'][1]['CalibrationDelta'], self.head['Dimensions'][1]['CalibrationElement']) # weird direction depend half pixel shifting map_xdim += 0.5 * self.head['Dimensions'][0]['CalibrationDelta'] map_ydim -= 0.5 * self.head['Dimensions'][1]['CalibrationDelta'] for y in range(self.head['Dimensions'][0]['DimensionSize']): for x in range(self.head['Dimensions'][1]['DimensionSize']): index = int(x + y * self.head['Dimensions'][0]['DimensionSize']) print('converting dataset {} of {}, items ({}, {})'.format(index + 1, self.head['ValidNumberElements'], x, y)) # retrieve dataset and put into buffer data, meta = self.getDataset(index) dset[y, x, :] = np.copy(data[:]) # get tag data per image tag = self._getTag(index) time[y, x] = tag['Time'] assert (np.abs(tag['PositionX'] - map_xdim[x]) < np.abs(tag['PositionX'] * 1e-8)) assert (np.abs(tag['PositionY'] - map_ydim[y]) < np.abs(tag['PositionY'] * 1e-8)) del data, meta, tag # create dimension datasets dims = [] dims_time = [] # Position Y assert self.head['Dimensions'][1]['Description'] == 'Position' dims.append((map_ydim, self.head['Dimensions'][1]['Description'], '[{}]'.format(self.head['Dimensions'][1]['Units']))) dims_time.append((map_ydim, self.head['Dimensions'][1]['Description'], '[{}]'.format(self.head['Dimensions'][1]['Units']))) # Position X assert self.head['Dimensions'][0]['Description'] == 'Position' dims.append((map_xdim, self.head['Dimensions'][0]['Description'], '[{}]'.format(self.head['Dimensions'][0]['Units']))) dims_time.append((map_xdim, self.head['Dimensions'][0]['Description'], '[{}]'.format(self.head['Dimensions'][0]['Units']))) dim = self._createDim(first_meta['ArrayShape'][0], first_meta['Calibration'][0]['CalibrationOffset'], first_meta['Calibration'][0]['CalibrationDelta'], first_meta['Calibration'][0]['CalibrationElement']) dims.append((dim, 'E', '[m_eV]')) # write dimensions for i in range(len(dims)): f.write_dim('dim{:d}'.format(i + 1), dims[i], grp) # write out time as additional dataset _ = f.put_emdgroup('timestamp', time, dims_time, parent=grp) else: # simple series dset = grp.create_dataset('data', (self.head['ValidNumberElements'], first_meta['ArrayShape'][0]), dtype=self._dictDataType[first_meta['DataType']]) # collect time time = np.zeros(self.head['ValidNumberElements'], dtype='i4') for i in range(self.head['ValidNumberElements']): print('converting dataset {} of {}'.format(i + 1, self.head['ValidNumberElements'])) # retrieve dataset and put into buffer data, meta = self.getDataset(i) dset[i, :] = data[:] # get tag data per image tag = self._getTag(i) time[i] = tag['Time'] # create dimension datasets dims = [] # first SER dimension is number assert self.head['Dimensions'][0]['Description'] == 'Number' dim = self._createDim(self.head['Dimensions'][0]['DimensionSize'], self.head['Dimensions'][0]['CalibrationOffset'], self.head['Dimensions'][0]['CalibrationDelta'], self.head['Dimensions'][0]['CalibrationElement']) dims.append((dim[0:self.head['ValidNumberElements']], self.head['Dimensions'][0]['Description'], '[{}]'.format(self.head['Dimensions'][0]['Units']))) dim = self._createDim(first_meta['ArrayShape'][0], first_meta['Calibration'][0]['CalibrationOffset'], first_meta['Calibration'][0]['CalibrationDelta'], first_meta['Calibration'][0]['CalibrationElement']) dims.append((dim, 'E', '[m_eV]')) # write dimensions for i in range(len(dims)): f.write_dim('dim{:d}'.format(i + 1), dims[i], grp) # write out time as additional dim vector f.write_dim('dim1_time', (time, 'timestamp', '[s]'), grp) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown DataTypeID') # put meta information from _emi to Microscope group, if available if self._emi: for key in self._emi: if not self._emi[key] is None: f.microscope.attrs[key] = self._emi[key] # write comment into Comment group f.put_comment('Converted SER file "{}" to EMD using the openNCEM tools.'.format(
[docs]def read_emi(filename): """Read the meta data from an emi file. Parameters ---------- filename: str or pathlib.Path Path to the emi file. Returns ------- : dict Dictionary of experimental metadata stored in the EMI file. """ # check filename type if isinstance(filename, str): pass elif isinstance(filename, Path): filename = str(filename) else: raise TypeError('Filename is supposed to be a string or pathlib.Path') # try opening the file try: # open file for reading bytes, as binary and text are intermixed with open(filename, 'rb') as f_emi: emi_data = except IOError: print('Error reading file: "{}"'.format(filename)) raise except: raise # dict to store _emi stuff _emi = {} # need anything readable from <ObjectInfo> to </ObjectInfo> # collect = False # data = b'' # for line in f_emi: # if b'<ObjectInfo>' in line: # collect = True # if collect: # data += line.strip() # if b'</ObjectInfo>' in line: # collect = False # close the file # f_emi.close() metaStart = emi_data.find(b'<ObjectInfo>') metaEnd = emi_data.find(b'</ObjectInfo>') # need to add len('</ObjectInfo>') = 13 to encompass this final tag root = ET.fromstring(emi_data[metaStart:metaEnd + 13]) # strip of binary stuff still around # data = data.decode('ascii', errors='ignore') # matchObj ='<ObjectInfo>(.+?)</ObjectInfo', data) # try: # data = # except: # raise RuntimeError('Could not find _emi metadata in specified file.') # parse metadata as xml # root = ET.fromstring('<_emi>' + data + '</_emi>') # single items _emi['Uuid'] = root.findtext('Uuid') _emi['AcquireDate'] = root.findtext('AcquireDate') _emi['Manufacturer'] = root.findtext('Manufacturer') _emi['DetectorPixelHeight'] = root.findtext('DetectorPixelHeight') _emi['DetectorPixelWidth'] = root.findtext('DetectorPixelWidth') # Microscope Conditions grp = root.find('ExperimentalConditions/MicroscopeConditions') for elem in grp: _emi[elem.tag] = _parseEntry_emi(elem.text) # Experimental Description grp = root.find('ExperimentalDescription/Root') for elem in grp: _emi['{} [{}]'.format(elem.findtext('Label'), elem.findtext('Unit'))] = _parseEntry_emi( elem.findtext('Value')) # AcquireInfo grp = root.find('AcquireInfo') for elem in grp: _emi[elem.tag] = _parseEntry_emi(elem.text) # DetectorRange grp = root.find('DetectorRange') for elem in grp: _emi['DetectorRange_' + elem.tag] = _parseEntry_emi(elem.text) return _emi
def _parseEntry_emi(value): """Auxiliary function to parse string entry to int, float or np.string_(). Parameters ---------- value : str String containing an int, float or string. Returns ------- : int or float or str Entry value as int, float or string. """ # try to parse as int try: p = int(value) except ValueError: # if not int, then try float try: p = float(value) except ValueError: # if neither int nor float, stay with string p = np.string_(str(value)) return p
[docs]def serReader(filename): """Simple function to parse the file and read all datasets. This is a one function implementation to load all data in a ser file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename of the SER file containing the data. Returns ------- dataOut : dict A dictionary containing the data and meta data. The data is accessed using the 'data' key and is a 1, 2, 3, or 4 dimensional numpy ndarray. Examples -------- Load a single image data set and show the image: >> import as nio >> ser1 = nio.ser.serReader('filename_1.ser') >> plt.imshow(ser1['data']) # show the single image from the data file """ # Open the file and init the class with fileSER(filename) as f1: if f1.head['ValidNumberElements'] > 0: # Get the first data set to setup the arrays data, metaData = f1.getDataset(0) metaData['filename'] = filename # save the file name in the output dictionary npType = f1._dictDataType[metaData['DataType']] if f1.head['DataTypeID'] == 0x4120: # Spectra as 1D single spectra, 2D line scan or 3D spectrum image numSpectra = f1.head['ValidNumberElements'] spectraSize = data.shape[0] # Read in all spectra temp = np.zeros((numSpectra, spectraSize), dtype=npType) # C-style ordering for ii in range(0, numSpectra): data0, meta1 = f1.getDataset(ii) temp[ii, :] = data0 if f1.head['NumberDimensions'] > 1: # Spectrum map scanI = f1.head['Dimensions'][0]['DimensionSize'] scanJ = f1.head['Dimensions'][1]['DimensionSize'] temp = temp.reshape((scanJ, scanI, spectraSize)) # operations on spectra are fastest else: temp = np.squeeze(temp) # Setup the energy loss axis for convenience eDelta = metaData['Calibration'][0]['CalibrationDelta'] eOffset = metaData['Calibration'][0]['CalibrationOffset'] eLoss = np.linspace(0, (spectraSize - 1) * eDelta, spectraSize) + eOffset dataOut = {'data': temp, 'eLoss': eLoss, 'eOffset': eOffset, 'eDelta': eDelta, 'scanCalibration': f1.head['Dimensions']} elif f1.head['DataTypeID'] == 0x4122: # Images as 2D or 3D image series temp = np.empty([f1.head['ValidNumberElements'], data.shape[0], data.shape[1]], dtype=npType) for ii in range(0, f1.head['ValidNumberElements']): data0, metadata0 = f1.getDataset(ii) temp[ii, :, :] = data0 # get the next dataset temp = np.squeeze(temp) # remove singular dimensions dataOut = {'data': temp, 'pixelSize': [], 'pixelUnit': [], 'pixelOrigin': []} # Setup some simple meta data for cal in metaData['Calibration']: dataOut['pixelSize'].append(cal['CalibrationDelta']) dataOut['pixelOrigin'].append(cal['CalibrationOffset']) dataOut['pixelUnit'].append('m') dataOut['filename'] = filename # save the file name # Add experimental metadata, if exists if f1._emi: dataOut['metadata'] = f1._emi else: dataOut = {} print('No data set found') return dataOut