Source code for

A module to load data and meta data from DM3 and DM4 files into python 
as written by Gatan's Digital Micrograph program.

General users:
    Use the simplified dm.dmReader() function to load the data and meta
    data as a python dictionary.

Advanced users and developers:
    Access the file internals through the dm.fileDM() class.

On Memory mode:
  The fileDM support and "on memory" mode that pre-loads the file data in memory
  and read operations during header parsing are performed against memory. This
  can significantly improve performance when the file resides in a parallel file
  system (PFS) because latency of seek operations PFSs is very high.

from pathlib import Path
import mmap
import copy
import os
from os import stat as filestats
from os.path import basename as os_basename

import numpy as np

[docs]class fileDM: """Opens the file and reads in the header. Data is loaded using the getDataset method. Attributes ---------- xSize, ySize, zSize : list The shape of the data for each data set in the file. Each value is the same as the shape attribute for an ndarray. zSize2 : list The shape of the 4th dimension for a 4D file (i.e. 4D-STEM data) dataSize : list The total number of bytes in each dataset. Similar to numpy's nbytes attribute for an ndarray. dataOffset : list The starting byte number for each dataset. This can provide fast access directly to the data if needed by seeking to this byte number. dataShape : list The total number of dimensions in eahc dataset. Similar to numpy's ndims attribute for an ndarray. file_name : str The name of the file file_path : pathlib.Path A pathlib.Path object for the open file fid : file The file handle. numObjects : list The number of datasets in the file. Often (but not always) the file contains a thumbnail and the raw data. The thumbnail will always be the first object. See thumbnail attribute. thumbnail : bool Tells whether the first object or dataset in the file is a thumbnail. If true then this object is always skipped in methods and it is assumed that the user wants to skip this. Can retrive this thumbnail using a built-in method if desired. scale : list The real size of the pixel. Real and reciprical space are supported. scaleUnit : list The unit name as a string for each dimension of each dataset. origin : list The origin for the real or reciprocal space scaling for each dimension. Be careful, this value is actually meant to be *scaled* by the scale before being used. See for proper handling of this especially for spectroscopy data. allTags : dictionary Contains *all* tags in the DM file as key value pairs. Examples -------- Read data from a file containing a single image into memory >> from import dm >> with dm.fileDM('filename.dm4') as dmFile1: >> dataSet = dmFile1.getDataset(0) Example of reading a full multi-image DM3 file into memory: >> with dm.fileDM('imageSeries.dm3')as dmFile2: >> series = dmFile2.getDataset(0) """ __slots__ = ('file_name', 'file_path', 'fid', '_on_memory', '_v', 'xSize', 'ySize', 'zSize', 'zSize2', 'dataType', 'dataSize', 'dataOffset', 'dataShape', 'numObjects', 'thumbnail', '_curGroupLevel', '_maxDepth', '_curGroupAtLevelX', '_curGroupNameAtLevelX', '_curTagAtLevelX', '_curTagName', 'scale', 'scaleUnit', 'scaleOrigin', '_scale_temp', '_origin_temp', 'allTags', '_dmType', '_specialType', 'fileSize', '_endianType', 'origin', '_encodedTypeSizes', '_buffer_offset', '_buffer_size', '_DM2NPDataTypes', '_TagType2NPDataTypes', 'on_memory', 'verbose', '_EncodedTypeDTypes','metadata') def __init__(self, filename, verbose=False, on_memory=True): """ Parameters ---------- filename : str or pathlib.Path or file object String pointing to the filesystem location of the file. verbose : bool, optional, default False If True, debug information is printed. on_memory : bool, optional, default True If True, file data is pre-loaded in memory and all data parsing is performed against memory. This mode is necessary for network based or parallel file systems but seems to improve reading in all cases. """ # Add a top level variable to indicate verbose output for debugging self._v = verbose # Check for read() to determine if this is a file object if hasattr(filename, 'read'): self.fid = filename self._on_memory = False try: self.file_name = except AttributeError: self.file_name = None else: self._on_memory = on_memory # check filename type. Prefer pathlib.Path if isinstance(filename, str): filename = Path(filename) elif isinstance(filename, Path): pass else: raise TypeError('Filename is supposed to be a string or pathlib.Path') self.file_path = filename self.file_name = # try opening the file try: if not self._on_memory: self.fid = open(self.file_path, 'rb') if self._on_memory: self._buffer_offset = 0 # Pre-load the file as a memory map that supports operations # similar to a file. with open(self.file_path, 'rb') as _fid: if == 'nt': self.fid = mmap.mmap(_fid.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) else: self.fid = mmap.mmap(_fid.fileno(), 0, prot=mmap.PROT_READ) # , flags=mmap.MAP_PRIVATE) self._buffer_size = filestats(self.file_path).st_size except IOError: print('Error reading file: "{}"'.format(self.file_path)) raise except: raise if not self._validDM(): raise IOError('Can not read file: {}'.format(self.file_path)) # Lists that will contain information about binary data arrays self.xSize = [] self.ySize = [] self.zSize = [] self.zSize2 = [] # only used for 4D datasets in DM4 files self.dataType = [] self.dataSize = [] # like numpy.shape self.dataOffset = [] self.dataShape = [] # 1,2,3, or 4. The total number of dimensions in a data set (like numpy.ndim) self.allTags = {} self.metadata = {} # lists that will contain scale information (pixel size) self.scale = [] self.scaleUnit = [] self.origin = [] # The number of objects found in the DM3 file self.numObjects = 0 # Indicator that a thumbnail exists (tested for later) self.thumbnail = False # TODO: Refactor these internal attributes self._curGroupLevel = 0 # track how deep we currently are in a group self._maxDepth = 64 # maximum number of group levels allowed self._curGroupAtLevelX = np.zeros((self._maxDepth,), dtype=np.int8) # track group at current level self._curGroupNameAtLevelX = '' # set the name of the root group self._curTagAtLevelX = np.zeros((self._maxDepth,), dtype=np.int8) # track tag number at the current level self._curTagName = '' # string of the current tag # self._specialType = np.dtype('>u4') # type which changes for DM3 and DM4 # self._dmType = None # self._endianType = None # Temporary variables to keep in case a tag entry shows useful information in an array self._scale_temp = 0 self._origin_temp = 0 self._encodedTypeSizes = {0: 0, 2: 2, 3: 4, 4: 2, 5: 4, 6: 4, 7: 8, 8: 1, 9: 1, 10: 1, 11: 8, 12: 8} self._DM2NPDataTypes = {1: np.int16, 2: np.float32, 3: np.complex64, 6: np.uint8, 7: np.int32, 9: np.int8, 10: np.uint16, 11: np.uint32, 12: np.float64, 13: np.complex128} self._TagType2NPDataTypes = {2: np.int16, 3: np.int32, 4: np.uint16, 5: np.uint32, 6: np.float32, 7: np.float64, 8: np.uint8, 9: np.int8, 10: np.int8, 11: np.uint64, 12: np.uint64} self._EncodedTypeDTypes = {2: np.int16, 3: np.int32, 4: np.uint16, 5: np.uint32, 6: np.float32, 7: np.float64, 8: np.uint8, 9: np.uint8, 10: np.uint8, 12: np.uint64} self.parseHeader() def __del__(self): """Destructor which also closes the file """ if not self.fid.closed: if self._v: print('Closing input file: {}'.format(self.file_path)) self.fid.close() def __enter__(self): """Implement python's with statement """ return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): """Implement python's with statement and close the file via __del__() """ self.__del__() return None
[docs] def tell(self): """ Return the current position in the file. Switches mode based on on_memory mode. Returns ------- pos : int The current position in the file. """ if self._on_memory: return self._buffer_offset else: return self.fid.tell()
[docs] def fromfile(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Reads data from a file or memory map. Calls np.fromfile and np.frombuffer depending on the on_memory mode of the fileDM. Note ---- This is essentially a passthrough function to Numpy's frombuffer and fromfile depending on the class variable on_memory. Parameters ---------- *args dtype and count are required **kwargs Returns ------- : ndarray Data read from the file as a 1d ndarray. """ if self._on_memory: if "dtype" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("In on_memory mode, reads require always a" " named dtype argument to be specified.") if "count" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("In on_memory mode, reads require always a" " named count argument to be specified.") dtype = np.dtype(kwargs["dtype"]) count = int(kwargs["count"]) kwargs["offset"] = self._buffer_offset self._buffer_offset += int(dtype.itemsize) * count return np.frombuffer(*args, **kwargs) else: return np.fromfile(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def seek(self, fid, offset, from_what=0): """Positions the reading head for fid. fid can be a file or memory map. Follows the same convention as Parameters ---------- fid : file id File or memory map. offset : int Number of bytes to move the head forward (positive value) or backwards (negative value). from_what : int Reference point to use in the head movement. 0: for beginning of the file (default behavior), 1: from the current head position, and 2: from the end of the file. """ if self._on_memory: offset = int(offset) if from_what == 0: self._buffer_offset = offset elif from_what == 1: self._buffer_offset += offset elif from_what == 2: self._buffer_offset = self._buffer_size + offset - 1 else: raise ValueError("Unkown from_what value: {}".format(from_what)) if self._buffer_offset < 0: raise ValueError("Resulting head position cannot be negative.") else: return, from_what)
def _validDM(self): """ Test whether a file is a valid DM3 or DM4 file and written in little endian format. """ output = True # output will stay == 1 if the file is a true DM4 file # file type: == 3 for DM3 or == 4 for DM4 self._dmType = self.fromfile(self.fid, dtype=np.dtype('>u4'), count=1)[0] if self._v: print('validDM: DM file type number = {}'.format(self._dmType)) if self._dmType == 3: self._specialType = np.dtype('>u4') # uint32 elif self._dmType == 4: self._specialType = np.dtype('>u8') # uint64 else: raise IOError('File is not a valid DM3 or DM4') aa = self.fromfile(self.fid, dtype=np.dtype([('fileSize', self._specialType), ('endianType', '>u4')]), count=1) self.fileSize = copy.deepcopy(aa['fileSize']) self._endianType = copy.deepcopy(aa['endianType']) if self._endianType != 1: # print('File is not written Little Endian (PC) format and can not be read by this program.') raise IOError('File is not written Little Endian (PC) format and can not be read by this program.') return output
[docs] def parseHeader(self): """Parse the header by reading the root tag group. This ensures the file pointer is in the correct place. """ # skip the bytes read by dmType if self._dmType == 3:, 12, 0) elif self._dmType == 4:, 16, 0) # Read the first root tag the same as any other group self._readTagGroup() # Check for thumbnail if len(self.dataType) > 0: # check that any data set was found if (self.dataType[0] == 23) & (self.dataShape[0] == 2): self.thumbnail = True else: self.thumbnail = False else: # this file only contains tags (such as a GTG file) self.thumbnail = False
[docs] def getMetadata(self, index): """ Get the useful metadata in the file. This parses the allTags dictionary and retrieves only the useful information about hte experimental parameters. This is a (useful) subset of the information contains in the allTags attribute. Note: some DM files contain extra information called the Tecnai Microscope Info. This is added to the metadata dictionary as a string. Parameters ---------- index : int The number of the dataset to get the metadata from. """ # The first dataset is usually a thumbnail. Test for this and skip the thumbnail automatically # metadata indexing starts at 1 but the index keyword starts at 0 if self.numObjects == 1: index = 1 # the first data set will have a 1 in the metadata else: index += 2 # the thumbnail is index = 1. The actual data will needs to start at 2. # Check that the dataset exists. try: self._checkIndex(index) except: raise good_keys = ['Calibrations', 'Acquisition', 'DataBar', 'EELS', 'Meta Data', 'Microscope Info', ] # Determine useful meta data UNTESTED prefix1 = '.ImageList.{}.ImageTags.'.format(index) prefix2 = '.ImageList.{}.ImageData.'.format(index) for kk, ii in self.allTags.items(): if prefix1 in kk or prefix2 in kk: kk_split = kk.split('.') if kk_split[4] in good_keys: new_key = ' '.join(kk_split[4:]) self.metadata[new_key] = ii if 'Tecnai.Microscope Info.arrayOffset' in kk: try: offset = self.allTags[prefix1 + 'Tecnai.Microscope Info.arrayOffset'] size = self.allTags[prefix1 + 'Tecnai.Microscope Info.arraySize'] dtype = self.allTags[prefix1 + 'Tecnai.Microscope Info.arrayType'] cur_offset = self.fid.tell(), offset) string_data = self.fromfile(self.fid, count=size, dtype=np.uint16) tecnai = ''.join([chr(ii) for ii in string_data]).replace('\u2028', ';') # replace new line with ; self.metadata['Tecnai Microscope Info'] = tecnai except KeyError: print('Tecnai parse error') return self.metadata
def _readTagGroup(self): """Read a tag group in a DM file. """ self._curGroupLevel += 1 # Check to see if the maximum group level is reached. if self._curGroupLevel > self._maxDepth: raise IOError( 'Maximum tag group depth of {} reached. This file is most likely corrupt.'.format(self._maxDepth)) self._curGroupAtLevelX[self._curGroupLevel] = self._curGroupAtLevelX[self._curGroupLevel] + 1 self._curTagAtLevelX[self._curGroupLevel] = 0 aa = self.fromfile(self.fid, dtype=[('IsOpenSorted', '2<i1'), ('nTags', self._specialType)], count=1) nTags = aa['nTags'][0] if self._v: print('Total number of root tags = {}'.format(nTags)) # Iterate of the number of tag entries oldTotalTag = self._curGroupNameAtLevelX for ii in range(0, nTags): self._readTagEntry() # Go back down a level after reading all entries self._curGroupLevel -= 1 self._curGroupNameAtLevelX = oldTotalTag def _readTagEntry(self): """Read one entry in a tag group. """ dataType = self.fromfile(self.fid, dtype=np.dtype('>u1'), count=1)[0] # Record tag at this level self._curTagAtLevelX[self._curGroupLevel] += 1 # get the tag lenTagLabel = self.fromfile(self.fid, dtype='>u2', count=1)[0] if self._v: print('_readTagEntry: dataType = {}, lenTagLabel = {}'.format(dataType, lenTagLabel)) if lenTagLabel > 0: tagLabelBinary = self.fromfile(self.fid, dtype='<u1', count=lenTagLabel) # read as binary tagLabel = self._bin2str(tagLabelBinary) if self._v: print('_readTagEntry: tagLabel = {}'.format(tagLabel)) else: tagLabel = str(self._curTagAtLevelX[self._curGroupLevel]) # unlabeled tag. # Save the current group name in case this is needed oldGroupName = self._curGroupNameAtLevelX if dataType == 21: # This tag entry contains data self._curTagName = tagLabel # save its name self._readTagType() else: # This is a nested tag group self._curGroupNameAtLevelX += '.' + tagLabel # add to group names # An unknown part of the DM4 tags if self._dmType == 4: _ = self.fromfile(self.fid, dtype=self._specialType, count=1)[0] self._readTagGroup() self._curGroupNameAtLevelX = oldGroupName def _readTagType(self): """Determine the type of tag: Regular data, string, struct, or array. """ # Need to read 8 bytes before %%%% delimiter. Unknown part of DM4 tag structure if self._dmType == 4: temp1 = self.fromfile(self.fid, dtype=self._specialType, count=1)[0] delim = self.fromfile(self.fid, dtype='<i1', count=4) assert ((delim == 37).all()) # delim has to be [37,37,37,37] which is %%%% in ASCII. if self._v: print('_readTagType: should be %%%% = {}'.format(self._bin2str(delim))) nInTag = self.fromfile(self.fid, dtype=self._specialType, count=1)[0] # nInTag: unnecessary redundant info # Determine the type of the data in the tag # specifies data type: int8, uint16, float32, etc. encodedType = self.fromfile(self.fid, dtype=self._specialType, count=1)[0] # big endian etSize = self._encodedTypeSize(encodedType) if etSize > 0: # regular data. Read it and store it with the tag name if self._v: print('regular') self._storeTag(self._curTagName, self._readNativeData(encodedType)) elif encodedType == 18: # string if self._v: print('string') stringSize = self.fromfile(self.fid, dtype='>u4', count=1)[0] # strtemp = '' #in case stringSize == 0 strTempBin = self.fromfile(self.fid, dtype='<u1', count=stringSize) # read as uint8 little endian strTemp = self._bin2str(strTempBin) self._storeTag(self._curTagName, strTemp) elif encodedType == 15: # struct # This does not work for field names that are non-zero. This is uncommon if self._v: print('struct') structTypes = self._readStructTypes() structs = self._readStructData(structTypes) self._storeTag(self._curTagName, structs) elif encodedType == 20: # array # The array data is not read. It will be read later if needed if self._v: print('array') arrayTypes = self._readArrayTypes() # could be recursive if array contains array(s) arrInfo = self._readArrayData(arrayTypes) # only info of the array is read. It is read later if needed self._storeTag(self._curTagName, arrInfo) @staticmethod def _bin2str(bin0): """Utility function to convert a numpy array of binary values to a python string. """ return ''.join([chr(item) for item in bin0]) def _encodedTypeSize(self, encodedType): """Return the number of bytes in a data type for the encodings used by DM. Constants for the different encoded data types used in DM files as as follows: SHORT = 2 LONG = 3 USHORT = 4 ULONG = 5 FLOAT = 6 DOUBLE = 7 BOOLEAN = 8 CHAR = 9 OCTET = 10 uint64 = 12 -1 will signal an unlisted type Parameters ---------- encodedType : int The type value read from the header. Returns ------- encodedTypeSize : int Number of bytes this type uses. """ try: return self._encodedTypeSizes[encodedType] except KeyError: return -1 except: raise def _encodedTypeDtype(self, encodedType): """Translate the encodings used by DM to numpy dtypes according to: SHORT = 2 LONG = 3 USHORT = 4 ULONG = 5 FLOAT = 6 DOUBLE = 7 BOOLEAN = 8 CHAR = 9 OCTET = 10 uint64 = 12 -1 will signal an unlisted type Parameters ---------- encodedType : int The type value read from the header Returns ------- Type : numpy dtype The Numpy dtype corresponding to the DM encoded value. """ try: Type = self._EncodedTypeDTypes[encodedType] except KeyError: Type = -1 except: raise return Type def _readStructTypes(self): """Analyze the types of data in a struct. """ _ = self.fromfile(self.fid, count=1, dtype=self._specialType)[0] # this is not needed nFields = self.fromfile(self.fid, count=1, dtype=self._specialType)[0] if self._v: print('_readStructTypes: nFields = {}'.format(nFields)) if nFields > 100: raise RuntimeError('Too many fields in a struct.') fieldTypes = np.zeros(nFields) for ii in range(0, nFields): aa = self.fromfile(self.fid, dtype=self._specialType, count=2) # nameLength, fieldType # nameLength = aa[0] #not used currently fieldTypes[ii] = aa[1] return fieldTypes def _readStructData(self, structTypes): """Read the data in a struct. Parameters ---------- structTypes : ndarray 1D array containing fieldTypes Returns ------- struct : ndarray 1D array of data """ struct = np.zeros(structTypes.shape[0]) for ii, encodedType in enumerate(structTypes): etSize = self._encodedTypeSize(encodedType) # the size of the data type struct[ii] = self._readNativeData(encodedType) # read this type of data return struct def _readNativeData(self, encodedType): """Reads ordinary data types in tags according to: SHORT (int16) = 2 LONG (int32) = 3 USHORT (uint16) = 4 ULONG (uint32) = 5 FLOAT (float32) = 6 DOUBLE (float64) = 7 BOOLEAN (bool) = 8 CHAR (uint8 character) = 9 OCTET (??) = 10 UINT64 (uint64) = 11 Parameters ---------- encodedType : int Encoded type value from DM header Returns ------- val : int or ndarray The value(s) read in. """ Type = self._TagType2NPDataTypes[encodedType] val = self.fromfile(self.fid, count=1, dtype=Type)[0] if self._v: print('_readNativeData: encodedType == {} and val = {}'.format(encodedType, val)) return val def _readArrayTypes(self): """Analyze the types of data in an array. """ arrayType = self.fromfile(self.fid, dtype=self._specialType, count=1)[0] itemTypes = [] if arrayType == 15: # nested Struct itemTypes = self._readStructTypes() elif arrayType == 20: # Nested array itemTypes = self._readArrayTypes() else: itemTypes.append(arrayType) if self._v: print('_readArrayTypes: itemTypes = {}'.format(itemTypes)) return itemTypes def _readArrayData(self, arrayTypes): """Read information in an array based on the types provided. Binary data (i.e. image/spectra data) is skipped in order to save memory. These are read later using getDataset() or getSlice as needed. Parameters ---------- arrayTypes : ndarray or tuple The type of array data to read Returns ------- arrOut : str A string containing the key value pair of this tag """ arrOut = None encodedType = None # The number of elements in the array arraySize = self.fromfile(self.fid, count=1, dtype=self._specialType)[0] if self._v: print('_readArrayData: arraySize, arrayTypes = {}, {}'.format(arraySize, arrayTypes)) # Everything used to calculate the bufSize is not needed anymore. THis can be removed after testing itemSize = 0 for encodedType in arrayTypes: if self._v: print('_readArrayData: encodedType = {}'.format(encodedType)) etSize = self._encodedTypeSize(encodedType) itemSize += etSize bufSize = arraySize * itemSize bufSize = bufSize.astype('<u8') # change to an integer if self._v: print('_readArrayData: arraySize, itemSize = {}, {}'.format(arraySize, itemSize)) if self._curTagName == 'Data': # This is a binary array. Save its location to read later if needed self._storeTag(self._curTagName + '.arraySize', bufSize) self._storeTag(self._curTagName + '.arrayOffset', self.tell()) self._storeTag(self._curTagName + '.arrayType', encodedType), bufSize.astype('<u8'), 1) # advance the pointer by bufsize from current position arrOut = 'Data unread. Encoded type = {}'.format(encodedType) elif bufSize < 1e3: # set an upper limit on the size of array that will be read in as a string # treat as a string for encodedType in arrayTypes: Type0 = self._encodedTypeDtype(encodedType) stringData = self.fromfile(self.fid, count=arraySize, dtype=Type0) # stringData = self.fromfile(self.fid,count=arraySize,dtype=self._encodedTypeDtype(encodedType)) arrOut = self._bin2str(stringData) # Catch useful tags for images and spectra (nm, eV, etc.) fullTagName = self._curGroupNameAtLevelX + '.' + self._curTagName if (fullTagName.find('Dimension') > -1) & (fullTagName.find('Units') > -1): # & (self.numObjects > 0)): self.scale.append(self._scale_temp) self.scaleUnit.append(arrOut) self.origin.append(self._origin_temp) else: self._storeTag(self._curTagName + '.arraySize', bufSize) self._storeTag(self._curTagName + '.arrayOffset', self.tell()) self._storeTag(self._curTagName + '.arrayType', encodedType), bufSize.astype('<u8'), 1) # advance the pointer by bufsize from current position arrOut = 'Array unread. Encoded type = {}'.format(encodedType) return arrOut def _storeTag(self, curTagName, curTagValue): """Builds the full tag name and key/value pair as text. Also calls another function to catch useful tags and values. Also saves all tags in a dictionary. Parameters ---------- curTagName : str The Tag name; a key curTagValue : object This can be many different types of objects like int, float, string, etc. """ # Build the full tag name (key) and add the tag value if self._v: print('_storeTag: curTagName, curTagValue = {}, {}'.format(curTagName, curTagValue)) totalTag = self._curGroupNameAtLevelX + '.' + '{}'.format(curTagName) # + '= {}'.format(curTagValue) self._catchUsefulTags(totalTag, curTagName, curTagValue) self.allTags[totalTag] = curTagValue # this needs to be done better. return totalTag def _catchUsefulTags(self, totalTag, curTagName, curTagValue): """Find interesting keys and keep their values for later. This is separate from _storeTag so that it is easy to find and modify. Parameters ---------- totalTag : str The complete tag as a string curTagName : str The tag name; the tag key curTagValue : object Can be many different types of objects """ # Save that a useful object has been found if totalTag.find('ImageData.Calibrations.Dimension.1.Scale') > -1: self.numObjects += 1 # data is contained in this file if curTagName.find('Data.arraySize') > -1: self.dataSize.append(curTagValue) elif curTagName.find('Data.arrayOffset') > -1: self.dataOffset.append(curTagValue) elif curTagName.find('DataType') > -1: self.dataType.append(curTagValue) elif totalTag.find('Dimensions.1') > -1: self.xSize.append(curTagValue) self.ySize.append(1) self.zSize.append(1) self.zSize2.append(1) self.dataShape.append(1) # indicate as at least 1D data elif totalTag.find('Dimensions.2') > -1: self.ySize[-1] = curTagValue # OR self.ysize[self.numObjects] = self.curTagValue self.dataShape[-1] = 2 # indicate as at least 2D data elif totalTag.find('Dimensions.3') > -1: self.zSize[-1] = curTagValue self.dataShape[-1] = 3 # indicate as at least 3D data elif totalTag.find('Dimensions.4') > -1: self.zSize2[-1] = curTagValue self.dataShape[-1] = 4 # indicate as at least 3D data elif (totalTag.find('Dimension.') > -1) & (totalTag.find('.Scale') > -1): self._scale_temp = curTagValue elif (totalTag.find('Dimension.') > -1) & (totalTag.find('.Origin') > -1): self._origin_temp = curTagValue else: pass
[docs] def writeTags(self, new_folder_path_for_tags=None): """Write out all tags as human readable text to a text file in the same directory (or a user definable directory) and with a the same name as the DM file. Parameters ---------- new_folder_path_for_tags : str or pathlib.Path, Optional Allow user to define a different path than the directory of the current file. """ new_file_name = Path(self.file_path.stem + '_tags').with_suffix('.txt') # Change output path if new_folder_path_for_tags: print('choosing different path') out_directory = Path(new_folder_path_for_tags) else: out_directory = self.file_path.parent try: # open a text file to write out the tags with open(out_directory / new_file_name, 'w') as fid_out: for nn in sorted(self.allTags): try: combined_tag = '{} = {}'.format(nn, self.allTags[nn]) fid_out.write(combined_tag) except: fid_out.write('{} = write error'.format(nn)) fid_out.write('\n') except IOError: print("ncempy: Issue opening DM tags output file.") raise except: raise
def _checkIndex(self, i): """Check index i for sanity, otherwise raise Exception. Parameters ---------- i : int Index. Raises ------ IndexError """ # check type if not isinstance(i, int): raise TypeError('index supposed to be integer') # check whether in range if i < 0 or i > self.numObjects: raise IndexError('Index out of range, ' 'trying to access element {} of {} valid elements'.format(i + 1, self.numObjects)) return def _DM2NPDataType(self, dd): """Convert the DM data type value into a numpy dtype. Parameters ---------- dd : int The value encoded in the DM file header. Returns ------- Type : numpy dtype """ try: Type = self._DM2NPDataTypes[dd] except KeyError: Type = None raise IOError('Unsupported binary data type during conversion to numpy dtype. DM dataType == {}'.format(dd)) except: Type = None raise return Type
[docs] def getDataset(self, index): """Retrieve a dataset from the DM file. Notes ----- Most DM3 and DM4 files contain a small "thumbnail" as the first dataset written as RGB data. This function ignores that dataset if it exists. To retrieve the thumbnail use the getThumbnail() function. The pixelOrigin returned is not actually the start of the coordinates. The start of the energy axis for EELS (for example) will be pixelSize * pixelOrigin. dmReader() returns the correct coordinates. The correct origin is: pixelSize * pixelOrigin and be careful about the sign as it seems some datasets might use -pixelOrigin in the previous equation. Parameters ---------- index : int The number of the data set to retrieve ignoring the thumbnail. If a thumbnail exists then index = 0 actually corresponds to the second data set in a DM file. Returns ------- : dict A dictionary of the data and meta data. The data is associated with the 'data' key in the dictionary. """ # The first dataset is usually a thumbnail. Test for this and skip the thumbnail automatically if self.numObjects == 1: ii = index else: ii = index + 1 # Check that the dataset exists. try: self._checkIndex(ii) except: raise, self.dataOffset[ii], 0) # Seek to start of dataset from beginning of the file outputDict = {} outputDict['filename'] = self.file_name # Parse the dataset to see what type it is (image, image series, spectra, etc.) if self.xSize[ii] > 0: pixelCount = int(self.xSize[ii]) * int(self.ySize[ii]) * int(self.zSize[ii]) * int(self.zSize2[ii]) jj = 0 # counter to determine where the first scale value starts for nn in self.dataShape[0:ii]: jj += nn # sum up all number of dimensions for previous datasets # if self.dataType == 23: #RGB image(s) # temp = self.fromfile(self.fid,count=pixelCount,dtype=np.uint8).reshape(self.ysize[ii],self.xsize[ii]) if self.zSize[ii] == 1: # 2D data and 1D spectra outputDict['data'] = self.fromfile(self.fid, count=pixelCount, dtype=self._DM2NPDataType(self.dataType[ii])).reshape( (self.ySize[ii], self.xSize[ii])) # Reverse the order to match the C-ordering of the data outputDict['pixelUnit'] = self.scaleUnit[jj:jj + self.dataShape[ii]][::-1] outputDict['pixelSize'] = self.scale[jj:jj + self.dataShape[ii]][::-1] outputDict['pixelOrigin'] = self.origin[jj:jj + self.dataShape[ii]][::-1] # Match size of meta data if necessary if outputDict['data'].ndim > len(outputDict['pixelOrigin']): outputDict['data'] = np.squeeze(outputDict['data']) elif self.zSize2[ii] > 1: # 4D data outputDict['data'] = self.fromfile(self.fid, count=pixelCount, dtype=self._DM2NPDataType(self.dataType[ii])).reshape( (self.zSize2[ii], self.zSize[ii], self.ySize[ii], self.xSize[ii])) # Reverse the order to match the C-ordering of the data outputDict['pixelUnit'] = self.scaleUnit[jj:jj + self.dataShape[ii]][::-1] outputDict['pixelSize'] = self.scale[jj:jj + self.dataShape[ii]][::-1] outputDict['pixelOrigin'] = self.origin[jj:jj + self.dataShape[ii]][::-1] else: # 3D array outputDict['data'] = self.fromfile(self.fid, count=pixelCount, dtype=self._DM2NPDataType(self.dataType[ii])).reshape( (self.zSize[ii], self.ySize[ii], self.xSize[ii])) # Reverse the order to match the C-ordering of the data outputDict['pixelUnit'] = self.scaleUnit[jj:jj + self.dataShape[ii]][::-1] outputDict['pixelSize'] = self.scale[jj:jj + self.dataShape[ii]][::-1] outputDict['pixelOrigin'] = self.origin[jj:jj + self.dataShape[ii]][::-1] # Add calibrated intensity (this should be in getMetadata #prefix1 = '.ImageList.{}.ImageData.Calibrations.Brightness.'.format(ii) #outputDict['intensityScale'] = self.brightnessScale #outputDict['intensityUnits'] = self.brightnessUnit #outputDict['intensityOrigin'] = self.brightnessOrigin # Ensure the data is loaded into memory from the buffer if self._on_memory: outputDict['data'] = np.array(outputDict['data']) # Remove singular dimensions if needed #outputDict['data'] = np.squeeze(outputDict['data']) return outputDict
[docs] def getSlice(self, index, sliceZ, sliceZ2=0): """Retrieve a slice of a dataset from the DM file. The data set will have a shape according to 3D = [sliceZ,Y,X] or 4D: [sliceZ2,sliceZ,Y,X] Note: Most DM3 and DM4 files contain a small "thumbnail" as the first dataset written as RGB data. This function ignores that dataset if it exists. To retrieve the thumbnail use the getThumbnail() function. Warning: DM4 files with 4D data sets are written as [X,Y,Z1,Z2]. This code currently gets the [X,Y] slice. Getting the [Z1,Z2] slice is not yet implemented. Use the getMemmap() function to retrieve arbitrary slices of large data sets. Parameters ---------- index : int The number of the dataset in the DM file. sliceZ : int The slice to get along the first dimension (C-ordering) for 3D datasets or 4D datasets. sliceZ2 : int For 4D dataset Returns ------- : dict A dictionary containing meta data and the data. """ # The first dataset is usually a thumbnail. Test for this and skip the thumbnail automatically if self.numObjects == 1: ii = index else: ii = index + 1 # Check that the dataset exists. try: self._checkIndex(ii) except: raise # Check sliceZ and sliceZ2 are within the data array size bounds if sliceZ > (self.zSize[ii] - 1): raise IndexError( 'Index out of range, trying to access element {} of {} valid elements'.format(sliceZ, self.zSize)) if sliceZ2 > (self.zSize2[ii] - 1): raise IndexError( 'Index out of range, trying to access element {} of {} valid elements'.format(sliceZ2, self.zSize2)), self.dataOffset[ii], 0) # Seek to start of dataset from beginning of the file outputDict = {'filename': self.file_name} # Parse the dataset to see what type it is (image, 3D image series, spectra, 4D, etc.) if self.xSize[ii] > 0: # determine the number of bytes to skip pixelCount = int(self.xSize[ii]) * int(self.ySize[ii]) byteCount = pixelCount * np.dtype(self._DM2NPDataType(self.dataType[ii])).itemsize jj = 0 # counter to determine where the first scale value starts for nn in self.dataShape[0:ii]: jj += nn # sum up all number of dimensions for previous datasets if self.zSize[ii] == 1: # 2D data outputDict['data'] = self.fromfile(self.fid, count=pixelCount, dtype=self._DM2NPDataType(self.dataType[ii])).reshape( (self.ySize[ii], self.xSize[ii])) elif self.zSize2[ii] > 1: # 4D data, sliceZ * sliceZ2 * byteCount, 1) # skip ahead from current position outputDict['data'] = self.fromfile(self.fid, count=pixelCount, dtype=self._DM2NPDataType(self.dataType[ii])).reshape( (self.ySize[ii], self.xSize[ii])) else: # 3D array, sliceZ * byteCount, 1) # skip ahead from current position outputDict['data'] = self.fromfile(self.fid, count=pixelCount, dtype=self._DM2NPDataType(self.dataType[ii])).reshape( (self.ySize[ii], self.xSize[ii])) # Return the proper meta data for this one image # need to reverse the order to match the C-ordering of the data outputDict['pixelUnit'] = self.scaleUnit[jj:jj + 2][::-1] outputDict['pixelSize'] = self.scale[jj:jj + 2][::-1] outputDict['pixelOrigin'] = self.origin[jj:jj + 2][::-1] # Ensure the data is loaded into memory from the buffer if self._on_memory: outputDict['data'] = np.array(outputDict['data']) return outputDict
def _readRGB(self, xSizeRGB, ySizeRGB): """Read in a uint8 type array with [Red,green,blue,alpha] channels. """ return self.fromfile(self.fid, count=xSizeRGB * ySizeRGB * 4, dtype='<u1').reshape(xSizeRGB, ySizeRGB, 4)
[docs] def getThumbnail(self): """Read the thumbnail saved as the first dataset in the DM file as an RGB array. This is not fully tested. Be careful using this. Returns ------- : ndarray Numpy array of size [3,Y,X] which is an RGB thumbnail. """, self.dataOffset[0], 0) return self._readRGB(self.ySize[0], self.xSize[0])
[docs] def getMemmap(self, index): """Return a numpy memmap object (read-only) for the dataset requested. This is very useful for very large datasets to avoid loading the entire data set into memory. No meta data is returned. Parameters ---------- index : int The number of the dataset in the DM file. Returns ------- : numpy.memmap A read-only numpy memmap object with access to the data. The file will continue to be open as long as the memmap is open. Delete the memmap to close the file. """ # The first dataset is usually a thumbnail. Test for this and skip the thumbnail automatically if self.numObjects == 1: ii = index else: ii = index + 1 # Check that the dataset exists. try: self._checkIndex(ii) except: raise # Create a memmap # Remove singular dimensions sh0 = (self.zSize2[ii], self.zSize[ii], self.ySize[ii], self.xSize[ii]) sh1 = tuple([ii for ii in sh0 if ii > 1]) # shape must be a tuple mm = np.memmap(self.file_path, dtype=self._DM2NPDataType(self.dataType[ii]), mode='r', offset=self.dataOffset[ii], shape=sh1) return mm
[docs]def dmReader(filename, dSetNum=0, verbose=False, on_memory=True): """A simple function to parse the file and read the requested dataset. Most users will want to use this function to simplify reading data directly into memory and to retriece the spatial axes (i.e. energy axis). Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename to open and read into memory dSetNum : int The number of the data set to read. Almost always should be = 0. Default = 0 verbose : bool Allow extra printing to see file internals. Default = False on_memory : bool, default True Whether to use the on_memory option of fileDM. Usually provides much faster data reading. Notes ----- Use the coords key for spatial axes (i.e. energy loss for spectra). Returns ------- : dict A dictionary of keys where the data is in the 'data' key. Other metadata is contained in other named keys such as 'pixelSize'. 'coords' contains the coordinate axes with the proper origin and scale applied (i.e. the energy loss axis for EELS data) Example ------- Load data from a single image dm3 file and display it >> from import dm >> im0 = dm.dmReader('filename.dm3') >> plt.imshow(im0['data']) #show the single image from the data file """ # Open the file with fileDM(filename, verbose, on_memory=on_memory) as f1: # Get the requested dataset im1 = f1.getDataset(dSetNum) allTags = f1.allTags # Now prepare nice coordinates (like energy loss axis for spectra) coords = [] for pixel_size, pixel_origin, pixel_unit, sh in zip(im1['pixelSize'], im1['pixelOrigin'], im1['pixelUnit'], im1['data'].shape): if sh == 1: coords.append(0) else: pixel_origin = np.abs(round(pixel_origin * pixel_size, ndigits=4)) # Multiply by pixelSize to get the correct origin eLoss = np.round(np.linspace(0, pixel_size * (sh - 1), sh) + pixel_origin, decimals=4) coords.append(eLoss) im1['coords'] = coords # Remove confusing pixelOrigin. Use coords instead del im1['pixelOrigin'] return im1 # return the dataset and metadata as a dictionary
if __name__ == '__main__': print('hi')