Source code for ncempy.algo.peak_find

Module to find local maxima in 2D and 3D data such as images and density maps.

Many functions are based on work by Colin Ophus, and his excellent
RealSpaceLattice01.m code.

author: Peter Ercius,

    from . import gaussND
        print('peakFind: Temporary import!')
        import gaussND
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        raise ModuleNotFoundError

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
from scipy import ndimage

default_indexing: str = 'ij'

[docs]def doubleRoll(image, vec): """ Roll an 2D ndarray (e.g. an image) along each dimension. Parameters ---------- image : np.ndarray The 2D array to roll. vec : iterable The number of time to apply the roll to the rows and columns where the tuple has the structure (row, col). Values in tuple must be int. Returns ------- : np.ndarray The rolled image. """ assert len(vec) == 2 return np.roll(np.roll(image, vec[0], axis=0), vec[1], axis=1)
[docs]def tripleRoll(vol, vec): """ Roll a 3D ndarray (e.g. an volume) along each dimension. Parameters ---------- vol : np.ndarray The 3D array to roll vec : iterable The number of time to apply the roll the tuple has the structure (axis0, axis1, axis2). Values in tuple must be int. Returns ------- : ndarray The rolled volume. """ assert len(vec) == 3 return np.roll(np.roll(np.roll(vol, vec[0], axis=0), vec[1], axis=1), vec[2], axis=2)
[docs]def peakFind2D(image, threshold): """ Find peaks in a 2D image based on the roll technique. A threshold is first applied to remove low intensity noisy peaks. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray An 2D ndarray of image intensities with peaks to find. threshold : float Threshold [0,1) the image to remove noisy peaks based on max intensity in the image Returns ------- positions : array A Nx2 array with the index locations of the n number of peaks """ if (threshold < 0) or (threshold >= 1): print('Error: Threshold must be 0 <= threshold < 1') return 0 # Could generate the set of coordinates using # list(set(permutations((0,1,1,-1,-1),2))) pLarge = (image > doubleRoll(image, [-1, -1])) & \ (image > doubleRoll(image, [0, -1])) & \ (image > doubleRoll(image, [1, -1])) & \ (image > doubleRoll(image, [-1, 0])) & \ (image > doubleRoll(image, [1, 0])) & \ (image > doubleRoll(image, [-1, 1])) & \ (image > doubleRoll(image, [0, 1])) & \ (image > doubleRoll(image, [1, 1])) & \ (image > threshold * np.max(image)) positions = np.array(np.where(pLarge * image)).T.copy() # return array as [num,posXY] return positions.astype(int)
[docs]def peakFind3D(vol, threshold): """ Find peaks in a 3D volume based on the roll technique. A threshold is first applied to remove low intensity noisy peaks. Parameters ------ vol : ndarray An 3D ndarray of image intensities with peaks to find. threshold : float Threshold [0,1) the image to remove noisy peaks based on max intensity in the image Returns ------- positions : ndarray A Nx3 array with the index locations of the n number of peaks """ if (threshold < 0) or (threshold >= 1): print('Error: Threshold must be 0 <= threshold < 1') return 0 # Could generate the set of coordinates programmatically # using list(set(permutations((0,0,1,1,1,-1,-1,-1),3)) pLarge = ((vol > tripleRoll(vol, [-1, -1, -1])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [0, -1, -1])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [1, -1, -1])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [-1, 0, -1])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [1, 0, -1])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [-1, 1, -1])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [0, 1, -1])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [1, 1, -1])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [0, 0, -1])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [-1, -1, 0])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [0, -1, 0])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [1, -1, 0])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [-1, 0, 0])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [1, 0, 0])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [-1, 1, 0])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [0, 1, 0])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [1, 1, 0])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [-1, -1, 1])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [0, -1, 1])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [1, -1, 1])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [-1, 0, 1])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [1, 0, 1])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [-1, 1, 1])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [0, 1, 1])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [1, 1, 1])) & (vol > tripleRoll(vol, [0, 0, 1])) & (vol > threshold * np.max(vol))) positions = np.array(np.where(pLarge * vol)).T.copy() # return array as [num,posXYZ] return positions.astype(
[docs]def enforceMinDist(positions, intensities, minDistance): """ Remove peaks that violate a minimum distance requirement. If two peaks are closer together than the minDistance then the one with the highest intensity is chosen. Works for 2D and 3D data sets. Parameters ---------- positions : np.ndarray An array of shape Nx3 or Nx2 containing the positions of the peaks to test intensities : np.ndarray An array of shape Nx1 with the peak intensities. minDistance : int The minimum distance in pixels Returns ------- validPeaks : np.ndarray An ndarray of Mx3 or Mx2 (M <= N) with invalid peaks removed. """ validPeaks = np.zeros(positions.shape, dtype=np.float32) # Will hold intensity,X,Y,Z alreadyTested = np.zeros( positions.shape[0]) # all peaks are tested unless they were already compared to another peak for ii, p0 in enumerate(positions): # ii is the iteration number and p0 is the element if not alreadyTested[ii]: pointsDist = np.sqrt(np.sum((positions - p0) ** 2, axis=1)) # find the distance to every other point closePeaks = pointsDist[(pointsDist > 0) & (pointsDist < minDistance)] if closePeaks.any(): # test for any values < minDistance closePeaksIndices = np.where(pointsDist < minDistance)[0] # find all close peaks including self peakIntensities = intensities[closePeaksIndices] highestPeakIndex = closePeaksIndices[np.argmax(peakIntensities)] # find the index of the highest peak alreadyTested[closePeaksIndices] = 1 # Don't test peaks in the future if already tested validPeaks[closePeaksIndices, :] = np.nan # set all values to nan; cant be integer data set validPeaks[ii, :] = positions[highestPeakIndex, :] # set highest intensity to correct values else: validPeaks[ii, :] = positions[ii, :] # save the current peak # alreadyTested[ii] = 1 #Dont test peaks in the future if already tested validPeaks = validPeaks[~np.isnan(validPeaks[:, 0]), :] # print("Removed %d peaks" % (positions.shape[0] - validPeaks.shape[0])) return validPeaks.astype(
[docs]def peaksToVolume(peakList, volShape, gaussSigma, gaussSize, indexing='ij'): """ Place 3D Gaussian at a set of peak positions. Parameters ---------- peakList : np.ndarray Array of peak positions of size (numPeaks, 3). volShape : tuple 3 element tuple of the shape of the volume containing the peaks gaussSigma : tuple 3 element tuple with that sigma parameters passed to the gaussND.gauss3D() function (sigX,sigY,sigZ) gaussSize : tuple 3 element tuple describing the 3D size of the simulated gaussian box. Must be odd. indexing : str String to pass to np.meshgrid to indicate which indexing is used. Either 'ij' or 'xy' are possible. Default is 'ij' for this module. Returns ------- : np.ndarray A volume containing gaussian peaks at each position indicated in peakList parameter. """ sim_volume = np.zeros(volShape, dtype=np.float32) if np.any(np.array(gaussSize) % 2 == 0): raise ValueError('gaussSize must be odd.') sz = [int((g - 1) // 2) for g in gaussSize] temp0 = np.arange(-sz[0], sz[0]+1) temp1 = np.arange(-sz[1], sz[1]+1) temp2 = np.arange(-sz[2], sz[2]+1) Y3D, X3D, Z3D = np.meshgrid(temp0, temp1, temp2, indexing=indexing) for pos in peakList: pos_loc = (pos // 1).astype(int) pos_remain = pos % 1 gg3 = gaussND.gauss3D(Y3D, X3D, Z3D, pos_remain[0], pos_remain[1], pos_remain[2], gaussSigma[0], gaussSigma[1], gaussSigma[2]) sim_volume[pos_loc[0] - sz[0]:pos_loc[0] + sz[0] + 1, pos_loc[1] - sz[1]:pos_loc[1] + sz[1] + 1, pos_loc[2] - sz[2]:pos_loc[2] + sz[2] + 1] += gg3 return sim_volume
[docs]def peaksToImage(peakList, imShape, gaussSigma, gaussSize, indexing='ij'): """ Place 2D Gaussian at a set of peak positions. Parameters ---------- peakList : np.ndarray Array of peak positions of size (numPeaks, 2). imShape : tuple 2 element tuple of the shape of the image containing the peaks gaussSigma : tuple 2 element tuple with that sigma parameters passed to the gaussND.gauss2D() function (sigX,sigY) gaussSize : tuple 2 element tuple describing the 2D size of the simulated gaussian box. Must be odd. indexing : str, default = 'ij' 'ij' or 'xy' indexing to pass to np.meshgrid. Returns ------- : np.ndarray A image containing Gaussian peaks at each position indicated in peakList parameter. """ sim_image = np.zeros(imShape, dtype=np.float32) if np.any(np.array(gaussSize) % 2 == 0): raise ValueError('gaussSize must be odd.') sz = [int((g - 1) // 2) for g in gaussSize] temp0 = np.arange(-sz[0], sz[0] + 1) temp1 = np.arange(-sz[1], sz[1] + 1) Y3D, X3D = np.meshgrid(temp1, temp0, indexing=indexing) for pos in peakList: pos_loc = (pos // 1).astype(int) pos_remain = pos % 1 gg2 = gaussND.gauss2D(Y3D, X3D, pos_remain[0], pos_remain[1], gaussSigma[0], gaussSigma[1]) sim_image[pos_loc[0] - sz[0]:pos_loc[0] + sz[0] + 1, pos_loc[1] - sz[1]:pos_loc[1] + sz[1] + 1] += gg2 return sim_image
[docs]def lattice2D_norm(u, v, a, b, origin, num_points): """ Returns a set of points in a lattice according to the u, v unit vectors (vectors are normalized internally) and lengths a,b centered at origin. The lattice has num_points along each u,v vector. Parameters ---------- u, v : 2-tuple 2 element tuples defining the lattice directions as vectors. a, b : float values to multiply each vector by (if u,v are not normalized then set these to 1) origin : 2-tuple The origin in the format (x0, y0) num_points : 2-tuple 2 element tuple of the number of repeats of the lattice along each direction Returns ------ : ndarray The set of points in the lattice. Size (num_points[0] * num_points[1], 2) """ assert np.linalg.norm(u) == 1 assert np.linalg.norm(v) == 1 totalNumPoints = Y2D, X2D = np.meshgrid(range(num_points[1]), range(num_points[0]), indexing=default_indexing) X = X2D.reshape(totalNumPoints) Y = Y2D.reshape(totalNumPoints) xy = np.zeros((, 2)) xy[:, 0] = origin[0] + a * X * u[0] + b * Y * v[0] xy[:, 1] = origin[1] + a * X * u[1] + b * Y * v[1] return xy
[docs]def lattice2D(u, v, a, b, origin, num_points): """ A modified version of peakFind.lattice2D_norm which can use non normalized u,v,vectors Parameters ---------- u, v : tuple 2 element vectors defining the lattice directions a, b : float values to multiply each vector by (if u,v,w are not normalized then set these to 1) origin : tuple The origin in the format (x0,y0) num_points : tuple 2 element tuple of the number of repeats of the lattice along each direction Returns ------ : ndarray The set of points in the lattice. Size (num_points[0] * num_points[1], 2) """ totalNumPoints = Y2D, X2D = np.meshgrid(range(num_points[1]), range(num_points[0]), indexing=default_indexing) X = X2D.reshape(totalNumPoints) Y = Y2D.reshape(totalNumPoints) xy = np.zeros((, 2)) xy[:, 0] = origin[0] + a * X * u[0] + b * Y * v[0] xy[:, 1] = origin[1] + a * X * u[1] + b * Y * v[1] return xy
[docs]def lattice3D(u, v, w, a, b, c, origin, num_points): """ Returns a set of points in a lattice according to the u, v, w vectors and lengths a,b centered at origin. The lattice has num_points along each u,v,w vector. Parameters ---------- u, v, w : tuple or np.ndarray 3 element vectors defining the lattice directions a, b, c : float Values to multiply each vector by (if u,v,w are not normalized then set these to 1) origin : tuple The origin in the format (x0,y0,z0) num_points : tuple 3 element tuple of the number of repeats of the lattice along each direction Returns ------- xyz : ndarray A (N,3) shaped set of coordinates """ totalNumPoints = Y3D, X3D, Z3D = np.meshgrid(range(num_points[1]), range(num_points[0]), range(num_points[2]), indexing=default_indexing) X = X3D.reshape(totalNumPoints) Y = Y3D.reshape(totalNumPoints) Z = Z3D.reshape(totalNumPoints) xyz = np.zeros((, 3)) xyz[:, 0] = origin[0] + a * X * u[0] + b * Y * v[0] + c * Z * w[0] xyz[:, 1] = origin[1] + a * X * u[1] + b * Y * v[1] + c * Z * w[1] xyz[:, 2] = origin[2] + a * X * u[2] + b * Y * v[2] + c * Z * w[2] return xyz
[docs]def applyLatticeLimit(lattice, bounds): """Remove lattice points outside the data bounds. For 2D and 3D data. Parameters --------- lattice : ndarray; (N, 2) or (N, 3) From lattice2D bounds : tuple, Minimum and maximum for axes 0 and 1 (min0, max0, min1, max1) or axes 0, 1 and 2 (min0, max0, min1, max1, min2, max2) Returns ------- : ndarray; (M, 2) or (M, 3) Same as lattice input except only containing points within the bounds specified. M <= N """ if len(bounds) == 4: goodUVs = (((lattice[:, 0] > bounds[0]) & (lattice[:, 0] < bounds[1])) & ((lattice[:, 1] > bounds[2]) & (lattice[:, 1] < bounds[3]))) elif len(bounds) == 6: goodUVs = (((lattice[:, 0] > bounds[0]) & (lattice[:, 0] < bounds[1])) & ((lattice[:, 1] > bounds[2]) & (lattice[:, 1] < bounds[3])) & ((lattice[:, 2] > bounds[4]) & (lattice[:, 2] < bounds[5]))) else: print('Bounds needs be be either 4 or 6 value tuple.') return None return lattice[goodUVs, :]
# noinspection PyArgumentList
[docs]def peakPlot3D(X, Y, Z, mkr, myAxes3D): """ Plot a set of peaks in a 3D plot using matplotlib. See the example below for how to set up a figure as input to this function using matplotlib Axes3D. todo: move this to viz Parameters ----------- X : np.ndarray The x positions as a 1D array. Y : np.ndarray The y positions as a 1D array. Z : np.ndarray The Z positions as a 1D array. mkr : string String indicating the marks type and color. Passed directly to pyplot.plt command (ex. 'go' for green circles) myAxes3D : mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3d An Axes3D object. (see example below) Returns ------- None Example ------- This function requires the input of a Axes3D to plot a set of peaks. See below how to import and set up a figure for use with this function. >> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >> import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d >> from ncempy.algo import peak_find >> fg1 = plt.figure() >> ax1 = mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D(fg1) >> peak_find.peakPlot3D(peakList[:,2], peakList[:,1], peakList[:,0], 'go', ax1) """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(X, Y, Z, mkr) max_range = np.array([X.max() - X.min(), Y.max() - Y.min(), Z.max() - Z.min()]).max() / 2.0 mid_x = (X.max() + X.min()) * 0.5 mid_y = (Y.max() + Y.min()) * 0.5 mid_z = (Z.max() + Z.min()) * 0.5 myAxes3D.set_xlim(mid_x - max_range, mid_x + max_range) myAxes3D.set_ylim(mid_y - max_range, mid_y + max_range) myAxes3D.set_zlim(mid_z - max_range, mid_z + max_range) myAxes3D.set_xlabel('X') myAxes3D.set_ylabel('Y') myAxes3D.set_zlabel('Z')
[docs]def peak3View(fg, vol, peak_positions): """ Plot 3 orthogonal slices and the corresponding peaks in each slice. Not fully test. Unsure whether the slices and peaks are exactly the same. todo: move this to viz Parameters ----------- fg : matplotlib figure The figure to use. This allows the user to reuse figures vol : ndarray (3D) The volume to slice along each orthogonal direction. Set up for [X,Z,Y] orientation peak_positions : ndarray, list, tuple (1D) This selects the point shown in all three slices Returns ------- None """ ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = fg.subplots(2, 2) slices = [int(round(ii)) for ii in peak_positions] ax1.imshow(vol[slices[0], :, :]) ax1.plot(peak_positions[2], peak_positions[1], 'xk') ax1.set(title='X slice {}'.format(slices[0])) ax3.imshow(vol[:, slices[1], :]) ax3.plot(peak_positions[2], peak_positions[0], 'xk') ax3.set(title='Y slice {}'.format(slices[1])) ax4.imshow(vol[:, :, slices[2]]) ax4.plot(peak_positions[1], peak_positions[0], 'xk') ax4.set(title='Z slice {}'.format(slices[2])) ax2.axis('off') fg.tight_layout()
[docs]def remove_xrays(imageOriginal, threshold, size_median_filter=(3, 3)): """ Find x-ray pixels in TEM images and replace the xray intensity with a local median value. Parameters ---------- imageOriginal : ndarray The image as a 2D ndarray. threshold : float Value above which to consider a pixel intensity an x-ray. size_median_filter : list or tuple The footprint of the median filter over which to search for a median value. Returns ------- : ndarray The image with x-ray values replaced with median local value. """ # Find x-ray pixels image_med_filter = ndimage.filters.median_filter(imageOriginal, size_median_filter) sub_xrays = np.where(imageOriginal > (image_med_filter + threshold)) # Replace x-ray pixels with median filtered values. image_filtered = imageOriginal.copy() image_filtered[sub_xrays[0], sub_xrays[1]] = image_med_filter[sub_xrays[0], sub_xrays[1]] return image_filtered, sub_xrays
[docs]def writeXYZ(filename, XYZ, element, comment): """ Write out a set of XYZ coordinates that can be read by various crystal viewing software such as Vesta. todo: Move this to io Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file to write to. XYZ : np.ndarray Atom coordinates in a 2D ndarray with axes [atom number, position]. Should be shape [N, 3] element : tuple Element symbol of each coordinate as a string (e.g. 'C'). Should be length N. comment : str A comment to add to the file. Example ------- # Write out the peak positions as Carbon atoms: >> writeXYZ('', positions, ['C',] * len(positions), 'writeXYZ example carbon atoms') """ numAtoms = XYZ.shape[0] with open(filename, 'w') as f1: f1.write('{}\n'.format(numAtoms)) f1.write('{}\n'.format(comment)) for ii in range(numAtoms): f1.write('{} {} {} {} \n'.format(element[ii], XYZ[ii, 0], XYZ[ii, 1], XYZ[ii, 2]))
[docs]def refineLattice2D(or0, u0, v0, pos, fraction=(1, 1), max_iter=30, refine_locally=True, verbose=False, num_unit_cells=(1, 1)): """ Refine lattice based on measurements and initial guess at lattice vectors. This code is designed to work only with square lattices. Hexagonal and more complex lattice might not work. Parameters ---------- or0 : tuple Initial guess of origin. 2-tuple u0 : tuple Initial u vector. Use num_unit_cells to average over several lengths of the lattice vector in this direction. 2-tuple v0 : tuple Initial v vector. Use num_unit_cells to average over several lengths of the lattice vector in this direction. 2-tuple pos : np.ndarray The set of positions to fit the lattice to. (number, position) (M, 2) refine_locally : bool Refine locally near the origin before using all positions Locally is considered 2 time the larger vector of u0 or v0. fraction : tuple Site fraction to take into account peak positions inside the unit cell. FCC imaged along [100] for\ example would need site_fraction = (2, 2). max_iter : int The maximum number of iterations to run to refine. This usually converges in a few iterations. Default is 30. num_unit_cells : tuple The number of unit cells the initial guess of u0 and v0 extend over. 2-tuple (num_u0, num_v0) with default verbose : bool Print out helpful information. Returns ------- : tuple Tuple of of 4 np.ndarray (origin, u, v, ab) where ab is the site positions in fractions of u and v. """ origin = or0 u = u0 v = v0 xyRes = (0, 0) ab = (0, 0) # Divide by number plotted u = [ii / num_unit_cells[0] for ii in u] v = [ii / num_unit_cells[1] for ii in v] for ii in range(max_iter): if refine_locally is True: for jj in range(1, 30): # Refine locally first stepping out rMax = jj * np.mean((np.linalg.norm(u), np.linalg.norm(v))) # radius to use first # compute a, b, c values by finding points p0 in basis {u,v,w} from {i,j,k} uv = np.array([u, v]).T pR = np.sqrt((pos[:, 0] - origin[0]) ** 2 + (pos[:, 1] - origin[1]) ** 2) p1 = pos[pR < rMax, :] if p1.shape[0] < 10: # Test that there are enough atoms to do a fit. Skip if less than 10 continue (ab, abRes, abX, abY) = np.linalg.lstsq(uv, (p1 - origin).T, rcond=None) # Refine lattice A = np.ones([ab.shape[1], 3]) # origin values should be 1 A[:, 1] = np.round(fraction[0] * ab[0, :]) / fraction[ 0] # fill the rest of the values with the abc values A[:, 2] = np.round(fraction[1] * ab[1, :]) / fraction[1] (xy_beta, xyRes, rXY, sXY) = np.linalg.lstsq(A, p1, rcond=None) origin = xy_beta[0, :] u = xy_beta[1, :] v = xy_beta[2, :] uv = np.array([u, v]).T (ab, abRes, abX, abY) = np.linalg.lstsq(uv, (pos - origin).T, rcond=None) # Refine lattice A = np.ones([ab.shape[1], 3]) A[:, 1] = np.round(fraction[0] * ab[0, :]) / fraction[0] # fill the rest of the values with the abc values A[:, 2] = np.round(fraction[1] * ab[1, :]) / fraction[1] (xy_beta, xyRes, rXY, sXY) = np.linalg.lstsq(A, pos, rcond=None) origin = xy_beta[0, :] u = xy_beta[1, :] v = xy_beta[2, :] if verbose: print('[u,v] = [[{}],[{}]]'.format(u, v)) if verbose: print('Residuals = [{}, {}]'.format(xyRes[0], xyRes[0])) # Print out the results print('origin: {}'.format(origin)) print('u: {}\nv: {}'.format(u, v)) print('|u|: {0[0]:.4}, |v|: {0[1]:.4} (pixels)'.format(np.linalg.norm([u, v], axis=1))) print('angle UV: {:.4}'.format(np.arccos( / np.linalg.norm(u), v / np.linalg.norm(v))) * 180. / np.pi)) return origin, u, v, ab.T
[docs]def refineLattice3D(or0, u0, v0, w0, pos, fraction=(1, 1, 1), max_iter=30, refine_locally=True): """ Refine lattice based on measurements and initial guess at lattice vectors Warning ------- Tested code but not production yet. This is a work un progress. Parameters ---------- or0 : 3-element tuple Origin. u0 : tuple Initial u vector. v0 : tuple Initial v vector w0 : tuple Initial w vector pos : array (number, position) (M,3) The set of positions to fit the lattice to. refine_locally : bool Refine locally near the origin before using all positions Locally is considered 2 time the larger vector of u0 or v0. fraction : tuple Site fraction to take into account peak positions inside the unit cell. FCC imaged along [100] for example would need site_fraction = (2, 2). max_iter : int Maximum number of iterations. Returns ------- : tuple of 4 np.ndarray (origin, u, v, ab) Tuple of refined origin, u, v optimized values as np.ndarray and the site positions in fractions of u and v. """ xRes0 = 1e6 yRes0 = 1e6 zRes0 = 1e6 for ii in range(max_iter): # compute a,b values uv = np.array([u0, v0, w0]).T (ab, abRes, abX, abY) = np.linalg.lstsq(uv, (pos - or0).T, rcond=None) # Refine lattice A = np.ones([ab.shape[1], 4]) A[:, 1] = np.round(ab[0, :]) A[:, 2] = np.round(ab[1, :]) A[:, 3] = np.round(ab[2, :]) (xy_beta, xyRes, rXY, sXY) = np.linalg.lstsq(A, pos, rcond=None) if xyRes[0] < xRes0 and xyRes[1] < yRes0 and xyRes[2] < zRes0: _ = xyRes[0] _ = xyRes[1] _ = xyRes[2] else: print('----Converged----') break print('Residuals = [{0[0]}, {0[1]}, {0[2]}]'.format(xyRes)) origin = xy_beta[0, :] u = xy_beta[1, :] v = xy_beta[2, :] w = xy_beta[3, :] return origin, u, v, w
[docs]def generateLatticeFromRefinement(origin, u, v, ab, fraction=(1, 1)): """ Generate lattice positions from refined output of refineLattice2D. This can be used to generate all positions when fraction is used in refineLattice2D Parameters ---------- origin : tuple Origin. 2-tuple u : tuple Initial u vector. 2-tuple v : tuple Initial v vector. 2-tuple fraction : tuple The fraction used in refineLattice2D. 2-tuple ab : np.ndarray The set of positions in terms of u and v lattice vectors. (number, position) (M, 2) fraction : tuple The fractional coordinates for the unit cell. 2-tuple Returns ------- : np.ndarray The lattice site positions of the given lattice vectors of shape (M, 2) """ lat = np.zeros_like(ab) lat[:, 0] = origin[0] + np.round(ab[:, 0] * fraction[0]) * (u[0] / fraction[0]) + \ np.round(ab[:, 1] * fraction[1]) * v[0] / fraction[1] lat[:, 1] = origin[1] + np.round(ab[:, 0] * fraction[0]) * (u[1] / fraction[0]) + \ np.round(ab[:, 1] * fraction[1]) * v[1] / fraction[1] return lat
[docs]def lattice2D_2(u, v, a, b, xy0, numPoints): """ A modified version of lattice2D which uses non-normalized u, v vectors """ Y2D, X2D = np.meshgrid(range(numPoints[1]), range(numPoints[0]), indexing=default_indexing) X = X2D.ravel() Y = Y2D.ravel() xy = np.zeros((, 2)) xy[:, 0] = xy0[0] + a * X * u[0] + b * Y * v[0] xy[:, 1] = xy0[1] + a * X * u[1] + b * Y * v[1] return xy
[docs]def lattice3D_2(u, v, w, a, b, c, xyz0, numPoints): """ A modified version of lattice3D which uses non-normalized u,v vectors """ Z3D, Y3D, X3D = np.meshgrid(range(numPoints[1]), range(numPoints[0]), range(numPoints[0]), indexing=default_indexing) X = X3D.ravel() Y = Y3D.ravel() Z = Z3D.ravel() xyz = np.zeros((, 3)) xyz[:, 0] = xyz0[0] + a * X * u[0] + b * Y * v[0] + c * Z * w[0] xyz[:, 1] = xyz0[1] + a * X * u[1] + b * Y * v[1] + c * Z * w[1] xyz[:, 2] = xyz0[1] + a * X * u[2] + b * Y * v[2] + c * Z * w[2] return xyz
[docs]def fit_peaks_gauss2d(image, peaks, cutOut, init, bounds, remove_edge_peaks=True): """ Fit peaks to a 2D Gaussian. The Gaussian function is gaussND.gauss2D() Todo: Write tests. This function is copied from test_peakFind.ipynb Todo: Add example test_peakFind.ipynb from my jupyter notebook folder Parameters ---------- image : np.ndarray The 2D image with the intensities to fit to peaks : np.ndarray The peaks in a ndarray of shape (N,2) where N is the number of peaks. Should match output of peakFind.peakFind2D. cutOut : int The size (+/-) of the region around each peak to fit. init : tuple A tuple of initial sigma values in x and y. (sigma_x, sigma_y) bounds : tuple A tuple of 2 tuples indicating the upper and lower bounds for the fitting. See scipy.optimize.curve_fit for more information. Ordered as ( (center_x_low, center_y_low, sigma_x_low, sigma_y_low), (center_x_high, center_y_high, sigma_x_high, sigma_y_high)) remove_edge_peaks : bool, default = True Peak positions at the edge of the image are set to NaN and are removed. If you want to have those positions returned as nan set this to False. Note ---- This function uses np.meshgrid and indexing='ij' internally. Returns ------- : tuple Returns a tuple of 3 arrays: [0] optimized peak positions as a (M, 2) ndarray. M <= N. Peaks on the edge of the image are removed. [1] peak intensity value interpolated at the optimized peak position. [2] the fitting values for each peak """ # Indexes that sort intensity high to low peaks_sort_values = np.argsort(image[peaks[:, 0], peaks[:, 1]]) # X,Y,sig_x,sig_y # NAN means peak near an edge and can not be fit optPointsNaN = np.zeros((peaks_sort_values.shape[0], 4)) fittingValues = np.zeros_like(optPointsNaN) optINaN = np.zeros((optPointsNaN.shape[0])) # holds the optimized intensity optI_meanNaN = np.zeros_like(optINaN) # Setup cutout coordinates around each peak X2D, Y2D = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-cutOut, cutOut + 1, 1), np.arange(-cutOut, cutOut + 1, 1), indexing=default_indexing) for ii, index in enumerate(peaks_sort_values): curX = int(peaks[index, 0]) curY = int(peaks[index, 1]) # Check if current point + fit region is within the bounds of the volume if (curX >= cutOut) & (curY >= cutOut) & \ (curX < image.shape[0] - cutOut) & \ (curY < image.shape[1] - cutOut): curIm = np.float32(image[curX - cutOut:curX + cutOut + 1, curY - cutOut:curY + cutOut + 1]) curIm_norm = curIm - curIm.min() # subtract the min curIm_norm = curIm_norm / curIm_norm.max() # normalize to 1 # Calculate error for each point based on intensity y_error = 1 / np.sqrt(curIm_norm.ravel() + 0.00001) # add a small offset to remove divide by zero optP2D, optCov2D = opt.curve_fit(gaussND.gauss2D_FIT, (X2D, Y2D), curIm_norm.ravel(), p0=(0, 0, init[0], init[1]), bounds=bounds, sigma=y_error) fittingValues[ii, :] = optP2D optPointsNaN[ii, :] = np.array([curX + optP2D[0], curY + optP2D[1], optP2D[2], optP2D[3]]) # X,Y,sigma_x,sigma_y else: # Peak is near an edge optPointsNaN[ii, :] = np.array([np.nan] * 4) fittingValues[ii, :] = np.array([np.nan] * 4) optINaN[ii] = np.nan optI_meanNaN[ii] = np.nan # Get the intensity of each optimize peak position optINaN = ndimage.map_coordinates(image.astype('f'), ((optPointsNaN[:, 0]), (optPointsNaN[:, 1])), cval=np.nan) # Remove NANs where peak is at the edge if desired if remove_edge_peaks: optPoints = optPointsNaN[~np.isnan(optPointsNaN[:, 0]), :] optI = optINaN[~np.isnan(optINaN)] fittingValues = fittingValues[~np.isnan(optINaN)] else: optPoints = optPointsNaN optI = optINaN fittingValues = fittingValues return optPoints, optI, fittingValues
[docs]def fit_peaks_gauss3d(volume, peaks, cutOut, init, bounds, remove_edge_peaks=True): """ Fit peaks to a 2D Gaussian. The Gaussian function is gaussND.gauss2D() Todo: Write tests. This function is copied from test_peakFind_3d.ipynb Parameters ---------- volume : np.ndarray The 3D image with the intensities to fit to. peaks : np.ndarray The peaks in a ndarray of shape (N, 3) where N is the number of peaks. Should match output of peakFind.peakFind3D. cutOut : int The size (+/-) of the region around each peak to fit. init : tuple A 3-tuple of initial sigma values in x and y. (sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z) bounds : tuple A 2-tuple of 6-tuples indicating the upper and lower bounds for the fitting. See scipy.optimize.curve_fit for more information. Ordered as ( (center_x_low, center_y_low, center_z_low, sigma_x_low, sigma_y_low, sigma_z_low), (center_x_high, center_y_high, center_z_high, sigma_x_high, sigma_y_high, sigma_z_high)) remove_edge_peaks : bool, default = True Peak positions at the edge of the image are set to NaN and are removed. If you want to have those positions returned as nan set this to False. Note ---- This function uses np.meshgrid and indexing='ij' internally. Returns ------- : tuple Returns a tuple of 3 arrays: [0] optimized peak positions as a (M, 3) ndarray. M <= N. Peaks on the edge of the image are removed unless otherwise specified. Then the edge peaks are returned as NAN values. [1] peak intensity value interpolated at the optimized peak position. [2] the local fitting values for each peak. """ # Sort from highest to lowest intensity validPeaks_sort_values = np.argsort(volume[peaks[:, 0], peaks[:, 1], peaks[:, 2]]) # X,Y,Z,sig_x,sig_y,sig_z # NAN means peak near an edge and can not be fit optPointsNaN = np.zeros((len(validPeaks_sort_values), 6)) fittingValues = np.zeros_like(optPointsNaN) # Set up fitting static variables local_region = np.arange(-cutOut, cutOut + 1, 1) Y3D, X3D, Z3D = np.meshgrid(local_region, local_region, local_region, indexing=default_indexing) bad_point = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan) for ii, index in enumerate(validPeaks_sort_values): curX = int(peaks[index, 0]) curY = int(peaks[index, 1]) curZ = int(peaks[index, 2]) # Check if current point + fit region is within the bounds of the volume if (curX > cutOut + 1) & (curY > cutOut + 1) & (curZ > cutOut + 1) & (curX < volume.shape[0] - cutOut) \ & (curY < volume.shape[1] - cutOut) & (curZ < volume.shape[2] - cutOut): curVol = np.float32(volume[curX - cutOut:curX + cutOut + 1, curY - cutOut:curY + cutOut + 1, curZ - cutOut:curZ + cutOut + 1]) curVol_norm = curVol - curVol.min() # subtract the min curVol_norm = curVol_norm / curVol_norm.max() # normalize maximum to 1 # Fit to a 3D Gaussian to the area around the peak y_error = 1 / np.sqrt(curVol_norm.ravel() + 0.00001) # add error optP3D, optCov3D = opt.curve_fit(gaussND.gauss3D_FIT, (X3D, Y3D, Z3D), curVol_norm.ravel(), p0=(0, 0, 0, *init), bounds=bounds, sigma=y_error) fittingValues[ii, :] = optP3D # Enter values into output array as X,Y,Z,sigma_x,sigma_y,sigma_z optPointsNaN[ii, :] = np.array((float(curX) + optP3D[0], float(curY) + optP3D[1], float(curZ) + optP3D[2], optP3D[3], optP3D[4], optP3D[5])) else: # if the peak is near an edge then ignore it and set its values to NAN optPointsNaN[ii, :] = np.array(bad_point) fittingValues[ii, :] = np.array(bad_point) # Get the intensity of each optimize peak position optINaN = ndimage.map_coordinates(volume.astype('f'), ((optPointsNaN[:, 0]), (optPointsNaN[:, 1]), (optPointsNaN[:, 2])), cval=np.nan) # Remove NANs where peak is at the edge if desired if remove_edge_peaks: optPoints = optPointsNaN[~np.isnan(optPointsNaN[:, 0]), :] optI = optINaN[~np.isnan(optINaN)] fittingValues = fittingValues[~np.isnan(optINaN)] else: optPoints = optPointsNaN optI = optINaN fittingValues = fittingValues return optPoints, optI, fittingValues
[docs]def match_lattice_peaks(peaks, u, v, origin): """ Find the matching lattice points to the experimental peaks. This is useful to generate all fitted lattice points for a set of experimental peaks. This can then be used directly to calculate displacements for example. Parameters ---------- peaks : ndarray The experimental peaks as a (num_peaks, 2) ndarray u, v : tuple The u and v vectors for the fitted lattice origin : tuple The origin of the fitted lattice for u, v vectors Returns ------- : ndarray An array of shape (num_peaks, 2) where each coordinate is the closest lattice point for each input peak. """ uv = np.asarray((u, v)) ab_nearest = - origin, np.linalg.inv(uv)) return ab_nearest
[docs]def latticeDisplacements(peaks, u, v, origin): """ Find the displacements of the experimental peaks to the fitted lattice parameters Parameters ---------- peaks : ndarray The experimental peaks with shape (num_peaks, 2). For example, the output of fit_peaks_gauss2d. u, v : tuple The u and v vectors for the fitted lattice origin : tuple The origin of the fitted lattice for u, v vectors Returns ------- : ndarray The displacement of each peak from the expected lattice position. """ ab_nearest = match_lattice_peaks(peaks, u, v, origin) uv = np.asarray((u, v)) p0_disp_linalg = np.zeros(peaks.shape) # p0_disp_r_theta_linalg = np.zeros(peaks.shape) for ii in range(peaks.shape[0]): pp = peaks[ii, :] rref =[ii, :]), uv) + origin p0_disp_linalg[ii, :] = pp - rref # p0_disp_r_theta_linalg[ii, :] = (np.sqrt((pp[0] - rref[0]) ** 2 + (pp[1] - rref[1]) ** 2), # np.arctan2((pp[1] - rref[1]), (pp[0] - rref[0]))) return p0_disp_linalg
[docs]def calculate_unit_cell(image, lattice, u, v, unit_cell_size): """ IN PROGRESS Calculate a unit cell using the input lattice and lattice parameters. Any unit cell at the edge of the image is not used as part of the unit cell will be invalid. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray The image containing the unit cell in a regular pattern (i.e. a lattice) lattice: ndarray The starting position of each unit cell in the image. u, v : tuple The u and v vectors for the fitted lattice unit_cell_size : int or tuple If int then this is the number of pixels in the unit cell along the u vector. The size of the v vector will be automatically calculated to make the unit cell pixels square. If tuple then the number of pixels along each u and v dimension are used directly. Returns ------- : ndarray An array of size unit_cell_size which contains the average value of each position in the unit cell for each peak position and u,v, lattice point. """ print('Warning, untested code. Work in progress.') if isinstance(unit_cell_size, int): num_u = unit_cell_size num_v = int(num_u * (np.linalg.norm(v) / np.linalg.norm(u))) elif isinstance(unit_cell_size, tuple): num_u, num_v = unit_cell_size else: raise TypeError('unit_cell_size must be int or 2-tuple') # Ensure image is floating point for interpolation if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.floating): image2 = image.copy() else: image2 = image.astype(np.float32) uu = [ii / num_u for ii in u] vv = [ii / num_v for ii in v] # Create a centered set of sub-lattice coordinates sub_lattice = lattice2D(uu, vv, 1, 1, (0, 0), (num_u, num_v)) # starts at (0, 0). Then offset for each peak. unit_cell = np.zeros((num_v, num_u), dtype=image2.dtype) cur_cell = np.zeros((num_v * num_u,), dtype=image2.dtype) num = 0 # number of unit cells used (edges are not used) for ii, peak in enumerate(lattice): cur_XX = sub_lattice[:, 0] + peak[0] cur_YY = sub_lattice[:, 1] + peak[1] ndimage.map_coordinates(image2, (cur_XX.ravel(), cur_YY.ravel()), order=3, output=cur_cell) if not np.any(np.isnan(cur_cell)): # Avoid unit cells on the edge of the image. Otherwise the mean is corrupted unit_cell += cur_cell.reshape((num_v, num_u)) num += 1 # Normalize by the number of unit cells used unit_cell /= num # Rotate to match the image return unit_cell.T