Source code for ncempy.algo.multicorr_funcs

Module to correlate two images, functionally written.

    - Cant use rfft2 currently. This gives one shift as 1/2 the value. How
      can this be improved to improve speed?

import numpy as np

[docs]def initial_correlation_image(g1, g2, method='cross', verbose=False): """Generate correlation image at initial resolution using the method specified. Parameters ---------- g1 : complex ndarray Fourier transform of reference image. g2 : complex ndarray Fourier transform of the image to register (the kernel). method : str, optional The correlation method to use. Must be 'phase' or 'cross' or 'hybrid' (default = 'cross') verbose : bool, default is False Print output. Returns ------- imageCorr : ndarray complex Correlation array which has not yet been inverse Fourier transformed. """ if verbose: print('Method is {}'.format(method)) G12 = g2 * np.conj(g1) # is this the correct order that we want? if method == 'phase': imageCorr = np.exp(1j * np.angle(G12)) elif method == 'cross': imageCorr = G12 elif method == 'hybrid': imageCorr = np.sqrt(np.abs(G12)) * np.exp(1j * np.angle(G12)) else: raise TypeError('{} method is not allowed'.format(str(method))) return imageCorr
[docs]def upsampled_correlation(image_corr, upsample_factor, verbose=False): """Upsamples the correlation image by a set integer factor upsample_factor. If upsample_factor == 2, then it is naively Fourier upsampled. If the upsample_factor is higher than 2, then it uses dftUpsample, which is a more efficient way to Fourier upsample the image. Parameters ---------- image_corr : ndarray complex Fourier transformed correlation image returned by initial_correlation_image. upsample_factor : int Upsampling factor. verbose : bool Provide output for debugging Returns ------- xyShift : list Shift in x and y of G2 with respect to G1. """ imageCorrIFT = np.real(np.fft.ifft2(image_corr)) xyShift = list(np.unravel_index(imageCorrIFT.argmax(), imageCorrIFT.shape, 'C')) if verbose: print('xyShift initial = {}'.format(xyShift)) if upsample_factor == 1: imageSize = imageCorrIFT.shape xyShift[0] = ((xyShift[0] + imageSize[0]/2) % imageSize[0]) - imageSize[0]/2 xyShift[1] = ((xyShift[1] + imageSize[1]/2) % imageSize[1]) - imageSize[1]/2 else: imageCorrLarge = upsampleFFT(image_corr, 2) imageSizeLarge = imageCorrLarge.shape xySubShift2 = list(np.unravel_index(imageCorrLarge.argmax(), imageSizeLarge, 'C')) if verbose: print('xySubShift2 = {}'.format(xySubShift2)) xySubShift2[0] = ((xySubShift2[0] + imageSizeLarge[0]/2) % imageSizeLarge[0]) - imageSizeLarge[0]/2 xySubShift2[1] = ((xySubShift2[1] + imageSizeLarge[1]/2) % imageSizeLarge[1]) - imageSizeLarge[1]/2 xyShift = [i/2 for i in xySubShift2] # signs have to flip, or mod wrong? if verbose: print('xyShift line 127 = {}'.format(xyShift)) if upsample_factor > 2: # here is where we use DFT registration to make things much faster # we cut out and upsample a peak 1.5 by 1.5 px from our original correlation image. xyShift[0] = np.round(xyShift[0] * upsample_factor) / upsample_factor xyShift[1] = np.round(xyShift[1] * upsample_factor) / upsample_factor globalShift = np.fix(np.ceil(upsample_factor * 1.5) / 2) if verbose: print('globalShift = {}'.format(globalShift)) print('xyShift = {}'.format(xyShift)) imageCorrUpsample = np.conj(dftUpsample(np.conj(image_corr), upsample_factor, globalShift - np.multiply(xyShift, upsample_factor))) / (np.fix(imageSizeLarge[0]) * np.fix(imageSizeLarge[1]) * upsample_factor ** 2) xySubShift = np.unravel_index(imageCorrUpsample.argmax(), imageCorrUpsample.shape, 'C') if verbose: print('xySubShift = {}'.format(xySubShift)) # add a subpixel shift via parabolic fitting try: icc = np.real(imageCorrUpsample[xySubShift[0] - 1 : xySubShift[0] + 2, xySubShift[1] - 1 : xySubShift[1] + 2]) dx = (icc[2, 1] - icc[0, 1]) / (4 * icc[1, 1] - 2 * icc[2, 1] - 2 * icc[0, 1]) dy = (icc[1, 2] - icc[1, 0]) / (4 * icc[1, 1] - 2 * icc[1, 2] - 2 * icc[1, 0]) except: dx, dy = 0, 0 # peak is near the edge and one of the above values does not exist xySubShift = xySubShift - globalShift xyShift = xyShift + (xySubShift + np.array([dx, dy])) / upsample_factor return xyShift
[docs]def upsampleFFT(image_init, upsample_factor): """This does a Fourier upsample of the imageInit. imageInit is the Fourier transform of the correlation image. The function returns the real space correlation image that has been Fourier upsampled by the upsample_factor. An upsample factor of 2 is generally sufficient. The way it works is that it embeds imageInit in a larger array of zeros, then does the inverse Fourier transform to return the Fourier upsampled image in real space. Parameters ---------- image_init : ndarray complex The image to be Fourier upsampled. This should be in the Fourier domain. upsample_factor : int THe upsample factor (usually 2). Returns ------- imageUpsampleReal : ndarray complex The inverse Fourier transform of imageInit upsampled by the upsampleFactor. OLD --- imageSize = imageInit.shape imageUpsample = np.zeros(tuple((i*upsampleFactor for i in imageSize))) + 0j imageUpsample[:imageSize[0], :imageSize[1]] = imageInit imageUpsample = np.roll(np.roll(imageUpsample, -int(imageSize[0]/2), 0), -int(imageSize[1]/2),1) imageUpsampleReal = np.real(np.fft.ifft2(imageUpsample)) return imageUpsampleReal """ ss = [int(ii * upsample_factor / 4) for ii in image_init.shape] # pad size imageInit2 = np.pad(np.fft.fftshift(image_init), ss, mode='constant') # pad the FFT image_upsample_real = np.real(np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.ifftshift(imageInit2))) # inverse FFT return image_upsample_real
[docs]def dftUpsample(image_corr, upsample_factor, xy_shift): """ This performs a matrix multiply DFT around a small neighboring region of the initial correlation peak. By using the matrix multiply DFT to do the Fourier upsampling, the efficiency is greatly improved. This is adapted from the subfunction dftups found in the dftregistration function on the Matlab File Exchange. The matrix multiplication DFT is from Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, Samuel T. Thurman, and James R. Fienup, "Efficient subpixel image registration algorithms," Opt. Lett. 33, 156-158 (2008). Parameters ---------- image_corr : ndarray Correlation image between two images in Fourier space. upsample_factor : int Scalar integer of how much to upsample. xy_shift : list of 2 floats Single pixel shift between images previously computed. Used to center the matrix multiplication on the correlation peak. Returns ------- image_upsample : ndarray Upsampled image from region around correlation peak. """ imageSize = image_corr.shape pixelRadius = 1.5 numRow = np.ceil(pixelRadius * upsample_factor) numCol = numRow colKern = np.exp((-1j * 2 * np.pi / (imageSize[1] * upsample_factor)) * (np.fft.ifftshift( (np.arange(imageSize[1]))) - np.floor(imageSize[1]/2)) * (np.arange(numCol) - xy_shift[1])[:, np.newaxis] ) rowKern = np.exp( (-1j * 2 * np.pi / (imageSize[0] * upsample_factor)) * (np.arange(numRow) - xy_shift[0]) * (np.fft.ifftshift(np.arange(imageSize[0])) - np.floor(imageSize[0]/2))[:, np.newaxis] ) # Comment from above applies. image_upsample = np.real(, image_corr), colKern.transpose())) return image_upsample
[docs]def imageShifter(g1, xy_shift): """ Multiply im by a plane wave that has the real space effect of shifting ifft2(G2) by [x, y] pixels. Parameters ----------- g1 : complex ndarray The Fourier transform of an image. xy_shift : list A two element list of the shifts along each axis. Returns ------- G2shift : complex ndarray Fourier shifted image FFT Example ------- >> shiftIm0 = np.real(np.fft.ifft2(multicorr.imageShifter(np.fft.fft2(im0),[11.1,22.2]))) >> plt.imshow(shiftIm0) """ # Check that the inputs are complex FFTs (common error) if not np.iscomplexobj(g1): raise TypeError('g1 must be complex FFTs.') imageSize = g1.shape qx = np.fft.fftfreq(imageSize[0], 1) # does this need to be a column vector if imageSize[1] == imageSize[0]: qy = qx else: qy = np.fft.fftfreq(imageSize[1], 1) G2shift = np.multiply(g1, np.outer(np.exp(-2j * np.pi * qx * xy_shift[0]), np.exp(-2j * np.pi * qy * xy_shift[1]))) return G2shift