Source code for

This module provides an interface to the EMD file format.

See for more details.

import numpy as np
import h5py
import datetime

[docs]class fileEMD: '''Class to represent EMD files. Implemented for spec 0.2 using the recommended layout for metadata. Meant to provide convenience functions for commonly occuring tasks. This means that you will still want to acces fileEMD.file_hdl to manipulate the HDF5 file for not so commonly occuring tasks. Parameters: filename (str): Name of the EMD file. readonly (bool): Set to open in read only mode. ''' def __init__(self, filename, readonly=False): '''Init opening/creating the file. ''' ## necessary declarations in case something goes bad self.file_hdl = None # convenience handles to access the data in the emd file, everything can as well be accessed using the file_hdl self.version = None = None self.microscope = None self.sample = None self.user = None self.comments = None self.list_emds = [] # list of HDF5 groups with emd_data_type type # check for string if not isinstance(filename, str): raise TypeError('Filename is supposed to be a string!') # try opening the file if readonly: try: self.file_hdl = h5py.File(filename, 'r') except: print('Error opening file for readonly: "{}"'.format(filename)) raise else: try: self.file_hdl = h5py.File(filename, 'a') except: print('Error opening file for read/write: "{}"'.format(filename)) raise # if we got a working file if self.file_hdl: # check version information if 'version_major' in self.file_hdl.attrs and 'version_minor' in self.file_hdl.attrs: # read version information self.version = (self.file_hdl.attrs['version_major'], self.file_hdl.attrs['version_minor']) # compare to implementation if not self.version == (0,2): print('WARNING: You are reading a version {}.{} EMD file, this implementation assumes version 0.2!'.format(self.version[0], self.version[1])) else: # set version information if not readonly: self.file_hdl.attrs['version_major'] = 0 self.file_hdl.attrs['version_minor'] = 2 # check for data group if not 'data' in self.file_hdl: if not readonly: = self.file_hdl.create_group('data') else: = self.file_hdl['data'] # check for data group if not 'microscope' in self.file_hdl: if not readonly: self.microscope = self.file_hdl.create_group('microscope') else: self.microscope = self.file_hdl['microscope'] # check for data group if not 'sample' in self.file_hdl: if not readonly: self.sample = self.file_hdl.create_group('sample') else: self.sample = self.file_hdl['sample'] # check for data group if not 'user' in self.file_hdl: if not readonly: self.user = self.file_hdl.create_group('user') else: self.user = self.file_hdl['user'] # check for data group if not 'comments' in self.file_hdl: if not readonly: self.comments = self.file_hdl.create_group('comments') else: self.comments = self.file_hdl['comments'] # find emd_data_type groups in the file self.list_emds = self.find_emdgroups(self.file_hdl) def __del__(self): '''Destructor for EMD file object. ''' # close the file if(self.file_hdl): self.file_hdl.close()
[docs] def find_emdgroups(self, parent): '''Find all emd_data_type groups within the group parent and return a list of references to their HDF5 groups. Parameters: parent ( Handle to the parent group. Returns: (list): A list of handles to children groups being emd_data_type groups. ''' emds = [] # recursive function to run and retrieve groups with emd_group_type set to 1 def proc_group(group, emds): # take a look at each item in the group for item in group: # check if group if group.get(item, getclass=True) == item = group.get(item) # check if emd_group_type if 'emd_group_type' in item.attrs: if item.attrs['emd_group_type'] == 1: emds.append(item) # process subgroups proc_group(item, emds) # run proc_group(parent, emds) return emds
[docs] def get_emdgroup(self, group): '''Get the emdtype data saved in in group. Parameters: group ( Reference to the emdtype HDF5 group. Returns: (tuple/None): None or tuple containing: np.ndarray: The data of the emdtype group. list: List of dimension vectors plus labels and units. ''' # check input if not isinstance(group, raise TypeError('group needs to refer to a valid HDF5 group!') if not 'emd_group_type' in group.attrs: raise TypeError('group is not a emd_group_type group!') if not group.attrs['emd_group_type'] == 1: raise TypeError('group is not a emd_group_type group!') # retrieve data try: # get the data data = group['data'][:] # get the dims dims = [] for i in range(len(data.shape)): dim = group['dim{}'.format(i+1)] # save them as (vector, name, units) if isinstance(dim.attrs['name'], np.ndarray): name = dim.attrs['name'][0] else: name = dim.attrs['name'] if isinstance(dim.attrs['units'], np.ndarray): units = dim.attrs['units'][0] else: units = dim.attrs['units'] dims.append( (dim[:], name.decode('utf-8'), units.decode('utf-8')) ) dims = tuple(dims) return data, dims except: # if something goes wrong, return None print('Content of "{}" does not seem to be in emd specified shape'.format( return None
[docs] def write_dim(self, label, dim, parent): '''Auxiliary function to write a dim dataset to parent. Input is not checked for sanity, so handle exceptions in call. Parameters: label (str): Label for dataset, usually dim1, dim2, dimN. dim (tuple): Tuple containing (data, name, units). parent ( HDF5 handle to parent group. Returns: ( HDF5 dataset handle referencing this dim. ''' try: dset = parent.create_dataset(label, data=dim[0]) dset.attrs['name'] = np.string_(dim[1]) dset.attrs['units'] = np.string_(dim[2]) except: raise RuntimeError('Error during writing dim dataset') return dset
[docs] def put_emdgroup(self, label, data, dims, parent=None, overwrite=False): '''Put an emdtype dataset into the EMD file. Parameters: label (str): Label for the emdtype group containing the dataset. data (np.ndarray): Numpy array containing the data. dims (tuple): Tuple containing the necessary dims as ((vec, name, units), (vec, name, units), ...) parent ( Parent for the emdtype group, if None it will be written to /data. overwrite (bool): Set to force overwriting entry in EMD file. Returns: ( Group referencing this emdtype dataset or None if failed. ''' # check input if not isinstance(label, str): raise TypeError('label needs to be string!') if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('data needs to be a numpy.ndarray!') try: assert len(dims) == len(data.shape) for i in range(len(dims)): assert len(dims[i]) == 3 assert dims[i][0].shape[0] == data.shape[i] except: raise TypeError('Something wrong with the provided dims') # write stuff to HDF5 # create group try: if parent: if label in parent: if overwrite: print('overwriting "{}" in "{}"'.format(label, del parent[label] else: print('"{}" already exists in "{}"'.format(label, raise RuntimeError('"{}" already exists in "{}"'.format(label, grp = parent.create_group(label) else: if label in if overwrite: print('overwriting "{}" in "{}"'.format(label, del[label] else: print('"{}" already exists in "{}"'.format(label, raise RuntimeError('"{}" already exists in "{}"'.format(label, grp = # add attribute grp.attrs['emd_group_type'] = 1 # create dataset dset = grp.create_dataset('data', data=data) # create dim datasets for i in range(len(dims)): self.write_dim('dim{}'.format(i+1), dims[i], grp) # update emds list self.list_emds = self.find_emdgroups(self.file_hdl) return grp except: print('Something went wrong trying to write the dataset.') return None
[docs] def put_comment(self, msg, timestamp=None): '''Create a comment in the EMD file. If timestamp already exists, the msg is appended to existing comment. Parameters: msg (str): String of the message to save. timestamp (str/None): Timestamp used as the key, defaults to the current UTC time. ''' # check input if not isinstance(msg, str): raise TypeError('msg needs to be a string!') # create timestamp if missing if not timestamp: timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S (UTC)') else: # try to convert given timestamp to string try: timestamp = str(timestamp) except: raise # write comment if timestamp in self.comments.attrs: # append to existing self.comments.attrs[timestamp] += np.string_('\n'+msg) else: # create new entry self.comments.attrs[timestamp] = np.string_(msg)