Source code for ncempy.algo.radial_profile

Module to calculate radial profiles.

The **settings** dict used for the evaluation has the following entries:

    * lmax_r (int):    Radius used for local maximum detection in [px].
    * lmax_thresh (int):    Threshold for local maximum detection in [intensity].
    * lmax_cinit (int, int):    Initial guess for center in [px].
    * lmax_range (float, float):    r range to cinit used to filter local maxima [dims].
    * ns (int, ...):    Distortion orders to correct.
    * fit_rrange (float, float):    r range used to fit radial profile [dims].
    * back_xs (float, ...):    Fixpoints for fitting background [dims].
    * back_xswidth (float):    Range around fixpoints to take into account [dims].
    * back_init (float):    Initial guess for subtracting background.
    * fit_funcs (str, ...):    List of functions to model radial profile.
    * fit_init (float, ...):    Initial guess for fitting.

    optional (set to None to use defaults):
        * plt_imgminmax (float, float):    Relative range to plot the img.
        * rad_rmax (float):    Max r to be used in radial profile [dims].
        * rad_dr (float): Stepsize for r-axis in radial profile [dims].
        * rad_sigma (float): Sigma for Gaussian used as kernel density estimator [dims].
        * mask (np.ndarray): Binary image as img, 0 for pixels to exclude.
        * fit_maxfev (int): Maxfev forwarded to scipy optimize.


import copy
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage.filters
import scipy.interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import ncempy.algo.math
import ncempy.algo.distortion

[docs]def calc_polarcoords ( center, dims, ns=None, dists=None ): '''Calculate the polar coordinates for an image of given shape. Center is assumed to be in real coordinates (if not just fake the dims). Distortions are corrected if ns and corresponding dists are given. Parameters: center (np.ndarray/tuple): Center of polar coordinate system. dims (tuple): Tuple of dimensions. ns (tuple): List of distortion orders to correct for. dists (np.ndarray): Parameters for distortions. Returns: (tuple): Polarcoordinates (r, theta) of polar coordinate system as two np.ndarrays with same dimensions as original image. ''' # check input try: # check center center = np.array(center) center = np.reshape(center, 2) # check if enough dims availabel assert(len(dims)>=2) assert(len(dims[0])==3) # check orders if not ns is None: assert(len(ns)>=1) # check dists assert(dists.shape[0] == len(ns)*2+1) except: raise TypeError('Something wrong with the input!') # create coordinates xx, yy = np.meshgrid( dims[0][0], dims[1][0], indexing='ij' ) # calculate polar coordinate system rs = np.sqrt( np.square(xx-center[0]) + np.square(yy-center[1]) ) thes = np.arctan2(yy-center[1], xx-center[0]) # correct for distortions if not ns is None: for i in range(len(ns)): rs /= ncempy.algo.distortion.rad_dis(thes, dists[i*2+1], dists[i*2+2], ns[i]) return rs, thes
[docs]def correct_distortion( img, dims, center, ns, dists ): '''Give corrected version of img with respect to distortions. Parameters: img (np.ndarray): Image (2D). dims (tuple): Dimensions tuple. center (np.ndarray/tuple): Center to be used. ns (tuple): List of distortion orders. dists (np.ndarray): Distortion parameters. Returns: (np.ndarray): Corrected image. ''' # check input try: assert(isinstance(img, np.ndarray)) # check center center = np.array(center) center = np.reshape(center, 2) # check if enough dims availabel assert(len(dims)>=2) assert(len(dims[0])==3) # check orders assert(len(ns)>=1) # check dists assert(dists.shape[0] == len(ns)*2+1) except: raise TypeError('Something wrong with the input!') rs, thes = calc_polarcoords (center, dims ) # anti distort for i in range(len(ns)): rs *= ncempy.algo.distortion.rad_dis(thes, dists[i*2+1], dists[i*2+2], ns[i]) dis_xx = rs*np.cos(thes)+center[0] dis_yy = rs*np.sin(thes)+center[1] f = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(dims[0][0], dims[1][0], img) return f.ev(dis_xx, dis_yy)
[docs]def calc_radialprofile( img, rs, rMax, dr, rsigma, mask=None): '''Calculate the radial profile using Gaussian kernel density estimator. It is suggested to use an rMax such that all directions are still in the image, otherwise outer areas will contribute differently and lead to different signal-to-noise. A value of dr corresponding to 1/10 px and rsigma corresponding to 1 px are good parameters. Parameters: img (np.ndarray): Image to take radial profile of intensity from. rs (np.ndarray): Array containing the radial distance, same shape as img. rMax (float): Maximum radial distance used for the radial profile. dr (float): Stepsize for r-axis of radial distance. rsigma (float): Sigma for Gaussian used as kernel density estimator. mask (np.ndarray): Mask image, values at 0 are excluded from radial profile. Returns: (tuple): Tuple of radial and intensity axes. ''' # check input try: assert(isinstance(img, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(rs, np.ndarray)) assert(np.array_equal(img.shape, rs.shape)) rMax = float(rMax) dr = float(dr) rsigma = float(rsigma) if not mask is None: assert(isinstance(mask, np.ndarray)) assert(np.array_equal(img.shape, mask.shape)) except: raise TypeError('Something wrong with input.') # process mask if mask is None: mask = np.ones(img.shape) mask = mask.astype('float64') mask[np.where( mask > 0 )] = 1 mask[np.where( mask == 0 )] = np.nan # prepare radial axis for hist rBins = np.arange(0, rMax, dr) radialIndex = np.round(rs/dr)+1 rBinMax = len(rBins) sel = (radialIndex<=rBinMax) sel = np.logical_and(sel, np.logical_not(np.isnan(mask)) ) signal = np.histogram(rs[sel], rBins, weights=img[sel]) count = np.histogram(rs[sel], rBins, weights=np.ones(img[sel].shape)) signal_sm = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(signal[0], rsigma/dr) count_sm = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(count[0], rsigma/dr) # masked regions lead to 0 in count_sm, divide produces nans, just ignore the warning old_err_state = np.seterr(divide='ignore',invalid='ignore') signal_sm = np.divide(signal_sm,count_sm) np.seterr(**old_err_state) return rBins[:-1], signal_sm
[docs]def plot_radialprofile( r, intens, dims, show=False ): '''Plot radial profile. Parameters: r (np.ndarray): r-axis of radial profile. intens (np.ndarray): Intensity-axis of radial profile. dims (tuple): Dimensions of original image to read out units. show (bool): Set to directly show plot interactively. Returns: (np.ndarray): Image of the plot. ''' try: # check data assert(isinstance(r, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(intens, np.ndarray)) assert(np.array_equal(r.shape, intens.shape)) # check if dims availabel assert(len(dims)>=1) assert(len(dims[0])==3) except: raise TypeError('Something wrong with the input!') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(r, intens, 'r-') # labels ax.set_xlabel('r /{}'.format(dims[0][2])) ax.set_ylabel('I /[a.u.]') if show: # render to array fig.canvas.draw() plot = np.fromstring(fig.canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype=np.uint8, sep='') plot = plot.reshape(fig.canvas.get_width_height()[::-1] + (3,)) return plot
[docs]def residuals_fit( param, r, intens, funcs ): '''Residual function to fit radial profile with flexibility. The arguments for the single functions are automatically cut from the fit parameters. Parameters: param (np.ndarray): Fit parameters. r (np.ndarray): r-axis. intens (np.ndarray): Intensity-axis. funcs (tuple): List of functions to include. Returns: (np.ndarray): Residuals. ''' return intens - ncempy.algo.math.sum_functions(r, funcs, param)
[docs]def fit_radialprofile( r, intens, funcs, init_guess, maxfev=None ): '''Fit the radial profile. Convenience wrapper for fitting. Parameters: r (np.ndarray): r-axis of radial profile. intens (np.ndarray): Intensity-axis of radial profile. funcs (tuple): List of functions. init_guess (np.ndarray): Initial guess for parameters of functions in funcs. Returns: (np.ndarray): Optimized parameters. ''' try: # check data assert(isinstance(r, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(intens, np.ndarray)) assert(np.array_equal(r.shape, intens.shape)) # funcs and params assert(len(funcs)>=1) for i in range(len(funcs)): assert(funcs[i] in ncempy.algo.math.lkp_funcs) init_guess = np.array(init_guess) init_guess = np.reshape(init_guess, sum(map(lambda x: ncempy.algo.math.lkp_funcs[x][1], funcs))) except: raise TypeError('Something wrong with the input!') if maxfev is None: maxfev = 1000 popt, flag = scipy.optimize.leastsq( residuals_fit, init_guess, args=(r, intens, funcs), maxfev=maxfev) if flag not in [1,2,3,4]: print('WARNING: fitting of radial profile failed.') return popt
[docs]def plot_fit( r, intens, dims, funcs, param, show=False ): '''Plot the fit results to the radial profile. Parameters: r (np.ndarray): r-axis of radial profile. intens (np.ndarray): Intensity-axis of radial profile. dims (tuple): Dimensions of original image to read out units. funcs (tuple): List of functions. param (np.ndarray): Parameters for functions in funcs. show (bool): Set to directly show plot interactively. Returns: (np.ndarray): Image of the plot. ''' try: # check data assert(isinstance(r, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(intens, np.ndarray)) assert(np.array_equal(r.shape, intens.shape)) # check if dims availabel assert(len(dims)>=1) assert(len(dims[0])==3) # funcs and params assert(len(funcs)>=1) for i in range(len(funcs)): assert(funcs[i] in ncempy.algo.math.lkp_funcs) param = np.array(param) param = np.reshape(param, sum(map(lambda x: ncempy.algo.math.lkp_funcs[x][1], funcs))) except: raise TypeError('Something wrong with the input!') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # plot radial profile ax.plot(r, intens, 'r-') # plot single n = 0 for i in range(len(funcs)): ax.plot(r, ncempy.algo.math.lkp_funcs[funcs[i]][0]( r, param[n:n+ncempy.algo.math.lkp_funcs[funcs[i]][1]]), 'g-' ) n += ncempy.algo.math.lkp_funcs[funcs[i]][1] # sum of functions sum_funcs = ncempy.algo.math.sum_functions( r, funcs, param ) ax.plot(r, sum_funcs, 'b-') # labels ax.set_xlabel('r /{}'.format(dims[0][2])) ax.set_ylabel('I /[a.u.]') if show: # render to array fig.canvas.draw() plot = np.fromstring(fig.canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype=np.uint8, sep='') plot = plot.reshape(fig.canvas.get_width_height()[::-1] + (3,)) return plot
[docs]def run_singleImage( img, dims, settings, show=False ): '''Evaluate a single ring diffraction pattern with given settings. Parameters: img (np.ndarray): Image. dims (tuple): Corresponding dim vectors. settings (dict): Dict of settings necessary for the evaluation. show (bool): Set to directly show plots interactively. Returns: (np.ndarray): Optimized parameters of fitting the radial profile according to the settings. ''' try: assert(isinstance(img, np.ndarray)) # check if dims availabel assert(len(dims)>=1) assert(len(dims[0])==3) assert(type(settings) is dict) except: raise RuntimeError('Something wrong with the input') # create a copy of settings to decouple mysettings = copy.deepcopy(settings) # get local maxima an turn them into real space coords points = ncempy.algo.local_max.local_max(img, mysettings['lmax_r'], mysettings['lmax_thresh']) points = ncempy.algo.local_max.points_todim(points, dims) # convert center to real space center_init = ncempy.algo.local_max.points_todim(mysettings['lmax_cinit'], dims) # filter to single ring points = ncempy.algo.distortion.filter_ring(points, center_init, mysettings['lmax_range']) if show: if settings['plt_imgminmax'] is None: mysettings['plt_imgminmax'] = (0.,1.) plot = ncempy.algo.local_max.plot_points(img, points, vminmax=mysettings['plt_imgminmax'], dims=dims, invert=True, show=show) # optimize center center = ncempy.algo.distortion.optimize_center(points, center_init, verbose=show) # fit distortions points_plr = ncempy.algo.distortion.points_topolar(points, center) dists = ncempy.algo.distortion.optimize_distortion(points_plr, mysettings['ns']) if show: plot = ncempy.algo.distortion.plot_distpolar(points_plr, dims, dists, mysettings['ns'], show=show) # calc coordinates in optimized system rs, thes = ncempy.algo.radial_profile.calc_polarcoords( center, dims, mysettings['ns'], dists ) if settings['rad_rmax'] is None: mysettings['rad_rmax'] = np.abs(dims[0][0][0]-dims[0][0][1])*np.min(img.shape)/2.0 if settings['rad_dr'] is None: mysettings['rad_dr'] = np.abs(dims[0][0][0]-dims[0][0][1])/10. if settings['rad_sigma'] is None: mysettings['rad_sigma'] = np.abs(dims[0][0][0]-dims[0][0][1]) # extract radial profile R, I = ncempy.algo.radial_profile.calc_radialprofile( img, rs, mysettings['rad_rmax'], mysettings['rad_dr'], mysettings['rad_sigma'], mask=mysettings['mask'] ) # cut radial profile sel = (R>=mysettings['fit_rrange'][0])*(R<=mysettings['fit_rrange'][1]) I = I[sel] R = R[sel] rawRI = np.copy(np.array([R,I]).transpose()) # subtract a power law background fitted to specific points fit_R = np.array([]) fit_I = np.array([]) for xpoint in mysettings['back_xs']: ix = np.where( np.abs(R-xpoint) < mysettings['back_xswidth'] ) fit_R = np.append(fit_R, R[ix]) fit_I = np.append(fit_I, I[ix]) funcs_back = [ 'const', 'powlaw'] res_back = ncempy.algo.radial_profile.fit_radialprofile( fit_R, fit_I, funcs_back, mysettings['back_init'], maxfev=1000 ) if show: plot = ncempy.algo.radial_profile.plot_fit( R, I, dims, funcs_back, res_back, show=show ) I = I - ncempy.algo.math.sum_functions(R, funcs_back, res_back) # fit res = ncempy.algo.radial_profile.fit_radialprofile( R, I, mysettings['fit_funcs'], mysettings['fit_init'], maxfev=mysettings['fit_maxfev']) if show: plot = ncempy.algo.radial_profile.plot_fit( R, I, dims, mysettings['fit_funcs'], res, show=show ) return np.array([R,I]).transpose(), res, center, dists, rawRI, res_back, mysettings